no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

what's the most important thing

I personally think nothing is more important than health. Without health, does not matter how much more you have if your life, you will not be able to enjoy it. If you want a quality life, health should be your priority. Therefore, I believe employer should always put work health and safety in priority as well. I understand employers would like their employees to be productive, however it does not mean you should despite all other factors in the work environment.

When you feel sick, go see a doctor before it is too late, unless you decide not to treat it in the first place. Doctors are licensed for a reason. From every aspect I think they are more reliable than those unlicensed therapist. When you are still able to walk, go see the world before it is too late. You never know what would happen the next day for sure, why waste time on wait and see?


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