no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

first meeting with clients

meeting with clients do not sound like a big deal.
yet, an actual formal business meeting, this is the first time for me.
and yes, i was nervous.
the meeting is held in 8.30am this morning, i almost kept myself awake for the whole night because i did not want to sleep in. ><"

this meeting is a good lesson and good experience overall.
thanks for my boss and manager, they don't need to worry about that i didn't learn anything anymore.
because i did.. and i got a lot out of this.

meeting with clients...
presentation and communication skill is the key.
everything has to be very clear and well prepared.
i know it sounds very easy. however, in order to make an average person on the street understand is not as easy as you thought. (at least not as easy as i thought)
also, there is so much to observe.
know your clients is the key rule.

experience is essential to all works.

The time traveler's wife

if you have an option, would you be the time traveler's wife?

this is a romance movie, quite obvious.
the men travels through time, through the girl's life time as well.
i am not going to talk about the plot much here, or else i would ruin the movie.

back to the question...
being a time traveler's wife, would spend a lot of time waiting.
trust is extremely important as well.
it seems like a difficult task, but if it was me, i would do the same.

also, know the future in advance...
it seems cool, but that change a person's complete view of life.
knowing the result without be able to change it... would be cruel.

i wouldn't rate this movie too high, because it wasn't as good as i thought.
some of the stuff doesn't make sense, it could be more reasonable.

this weekend...

i feel like i haven't update anything in the "journal" category for a while.
the past weekend was kind of tiring.
it is like one of those time..."you don't feel like you have done much, but time past away"

volunteering with world vision

world vision should be a charity organization that people are familiar with.
i was actually looking forward to get people to sponsor childs during the event.
too bad that i got relocated to other categories. hopefully, i would get a chance next time.
honestly, the concert is long and not that amazing.
yet... it is great to know that all the bands and people are willing to be part of it.

boat cruise

the event is well organized overall.
however, from my perspective, i see lots of improvements to be done.
attending this kind of events could be helpful for me to observe more.


yes.. i spent more than 11 hours in office today.
and.. i actually worked the whole 11hours.

this overtime work is not required. i took the initiative.
i know 11 hours doesn't sound a lot to many people, especially for the people who are used to OT in HK. but then this does not always happen in Toronto.

i should go back to my point.
it is worth it. for all the time and effort i devote, it is worth it.
it is not the first i write a report or do a project. yet, it is different when you actually do it for a client.
every single detail has a lot to learn and needs attention.
i am glad that i got this opportunity.

there is always something that you thought you know, but you don't.
you may never get to a perfect position, because anything can always be more amended.

there is something we will never understand/control

people tend to like something they can control, that's why people like easy task. for the difficult task, people find it challenging, but eventually get it under control and feel proud of it.

however, there is something that we will never gain the control of... may never be able to understand it.

i used to think i understand it, because i try to be understanding and nice for all my life.
the result is disappointing.
now that i don't even try to understand or waste time to try to get a control of it.

if it is not controllable / understandable, why waste time?
i know it hurts, i understand it more than anyone else.
but i still want my friends to be happy.
don't do something you would regret, just do what you can.

customer service 這東西


“客戶是上帝” 雖是這有點誇張,但也不是沒道理的。



The funny people.... is another comedy movie.

as my colleague said, it is good to watch after stressful work.
other than the funny part... i thought of something else about this movie.

for those who like comedy shows, they should like it.

funny people... those people who like to tell jokes, always make people laugh.
others think they are funny, think they are happy.
yet, are they really?

the happier it is in surface, the more pain inside.
the more popular it appears, the more lonely it is within.


it is civil holiday long weekend.

the highlight of this trip would be the Henry Ford Museum.
the museum is not huge as i thought, but large enough for us to spend a couple hours there.
there are a lot to see in the museum.
the 100 years of auto life is one of my favor parts. i am not a tech person, however, seeing the development of automobile is educational.
human's innovation is amazing.

visiting the city of detroit...
i was quite sure detroit had its good time.
seeing the city now is such a disappointment. not mentioning how quite the town is, everything is lack of maintenance there.
no one is walking on the street, limited cars are driving on the street. stores are mostly closed. most constructions are paused.
described by another person.... "it looks like a death town right after war."
the effect is obvious in this town with the economic depression and the downturn of auto industry in US.

The ugly truth

seeing the title the ugly truth, what do you feel?

to be honest, i believe that is true. truth is usually ugly and cruel.
truth means reality, means no fantasy, means no pretty dress.
after you unzip the fancy appearance, the inside is usually ugly.

attention, i said USUALLY, NOT always.
yes, i believe there is still some good in the truth. at least i still want to believe that.
and this movie, the ugly truth sent that message too.

the story is about revealing the ugly truth of relationships.
personally, i don't see a truth of that.
if there is a statement, a definition of love; or a relationship can be skilled.
there would not be that much of romance movies, songs, books...etc.
just because relationship is something that no one could possibly control and understand it fully, there are stories.