no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

Hangover II

Yesterday was the opening day for this movie. It is a sold out movie. The theater was packed when we go in and there was a pretty long line up when we exit the theater. I believe it was because the rating for Hangover I is good, people have high expectation for Part II.

The story is basically the same as Part I, the setting is different from the previous one, Bangkok instead of Vegas. The characters and story line is pretty much the same, meaning everything in the movie is expected. I would say the first one is better because there is more surprises in the movie. Part II is still funny, with different jokes. Remember, this movie is rated R.

I will rate this movie 4/10 and I won't recommend watch this movie in the theater. It is a good one for relaxation and have a laugh. Don't expect too much, so that you don't get disappointed.

what's wrong with being 80s?



每一個人群中都有不够好的人,男人有,女人有,不同国籍的有,不同年龄的也有。不要只看到别人的缺点且将一群人都归类了。不要只因爲别人与你持不同意见就把人家归类了。尽量對事不對人,客观的對人 會比较公平。







但是這次我真的有点點失算了,在這個紧迫的時期,我整整少算了两天。這绝對是意外,我高估了自己的能力,低估了那份文件的重要性,没有想到自己會在制定的時間會做不完。真的是有點不開心的,且不能怨是black Friday, 的确是自己的不足造成的。





Queen Street

I went shopping in downtown Toronto today. i didn't go to a mall or anything indoor. I really appreciate the nice sunshine outside today after six months of winter and three weeks of rain. Today is pretty warm, I can finally wear my short. ^o^ As I said, people don't appreciate what they have everyday, they tend to take it for granted. When the nice weather comes after a long winter, you will appreciate it more.

Queen streets is a shopping district in downtown. It is like Bloor Street, but instead of all the big brand name store, they have some designer stores in the area. In general, I like to shop on the street better than shop in a mall, especially this nice weather. It reminds me of HongKong, you get more feeling of the city.

I see a few interesting things on the street today. First, I see two little boys singing for money on the street. They are actually not bad, lots of potential. Then, I see this Miss. Canada walking on the street with a bunch of followers. It was creating a whole scene in the middle of the street. At the end of the district, there is a performance of magic show. This is the street culture in downtown. I am a typical uptown girl, sometimes I figure I should head downtown more often instead staying in this nice and safe neighborhood for too long.

