no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it





a thought from scarf

i just finished knitting the first self-made scarf.
it took me a while. i knew how to knit, but i never had patient to finish the whole thing. this is my first complete product.

it is actually pretty neat. two colors and there is patterns. hehe, most importantly, no holes.


Leap year

Leap Year is a romance comedy movie.
It is basically about a woman travels all the way to Ireland to propose her boyfriend on the Feb. 29th. Of course, things did not go that well. Something happened during the trip, eventually, the man she would be marrying is changed as well.

The main character of the story is a complete city girl. She dresses well, always look good, organize, well planning, picky about details...etc. Until she met this Irish guy in the country side. He surprises her with everything and changes her view of life eventually. She gives up her high class life, doctor-fiance, nice apartment to be with him.

The story ends there.
I don't want to comment about the love thing. Since romance is a topic that does not really have a correct answer.  However thers is a line in the movie. Actually, it is a pretty old question. I think most people don't really have answer until it really happens.

The question was: The fire drill rangs, you got 60 seconds. What would you grab?

This implies the most important thing in your life. Maybe you knew it, maybe you don't.
Sometimes, planning and well prepared for everything may not be the best way to live your life. When surprises comes, it is either you fall in love with it, or suffer from it.

Finaly, just a bit of myself.
I don't think I am capable with that kind of experience. I think I would just wait in the airport for the next flight in the first place. >o<





Haiti earthquake is been a popular topic around people these days.
I didn't pay too much attention to it until I come back home. I guess TV news are more appealing than the internet ones. That's why one picture is better than thousand words. Visual appealing is a lot more important.

Haiti, a 200 years old country located in Latin America. It is a very poor country with several political corruptions. Haitians can't really help themselves.

This earthquake is pretty serious, without any doubt. People around the world, including all the worldwide charity organizations are participated. I was going to help with the fundraiser events, unfortunately it didn't fit my schedule. I would of contribute some to it. Looking at the videos and pictures, it is very sad. I thought the 2008 earthquake in China was bad, I guess numerical stats shows this one is worse. Of course, politically, Haiti has closer relationship with the U.S.

I agree we should show some mercy to the weak party. We should help them as we can. On the other hand, I also think many people and organizations benefit or take advantage of this kind of tragedy and disaster. In those people's perspective, threat is an opportunity. I don't think it is ethical, but it is understandable.

Up in the air

It is Tuesday, movies are half price as usual.
We went earlier today, and the theater was packed. We were late for Leap Year, so we watch Up in the air instead.

Up in the air is a story about this man who always flight for his job.
The leading role has a job that specify in firing people. I really think this job is very tough. It appears really well, live in the best hotel, flight first class, claim all the travel expenses... However, i rather not to do it. The position needs spectacular communication and observation skill.

It ends up the main character doesn't have a relationship. This makes senses, since he spent most of the time in the air, he won't be able to have anytime to maintain a relationship. In the movie, it is been commented he is an escape. He doesn't believe in relationship and commitment. In the other word, he is a loner.

Actually, I do agree the idea of the movie.
A person should have someone to share his/her life with. (of course, if you are lucky to find one.)





Day Off

I generally have a Friday off in school days.
I didn't go home this week, went shopping and relaxing with a friend yesterday.
We have been out for a good 10 hours.
- a long and satisfying lunch (I only got a tropical salad, but still very fulfilling)
- shopping in two malls (actually the only two malls in London). I spent quite a lot on clothing and other random stuff.
- a huge (for me) and delicious eel rice 

I usually don't record a journal like this. This kind of relaxing is the most typical ones, nothing special or interesting at all. However, this kind of typical relaxing activities sometimes is the most convenience and relaxing ones. Unlike traveling, has other stuff to concern about during process.


Baggage lost

It is my first experience with baggage lost.
It is not a good experience. Thanks for all the people who cares and asked about it.

After three out of five baggage are lost. Northwest sent me back two of them a week after.
However there is still one missing. I have sent in the lost claim form three days after I lost the bag. Until today, I have not hear anything about it.

The Buffalo airport has a nice attitude about it. They called me a couple times and tried to follow up. Nevertheless, they still do not have any solution about it. They don't compensate me, neither try to follow up the luggage for me. Now they pass everything to Delta luggage.


this movie is popular... seems like reaching the top box.
it took me two weeks... and it was still full. we had to sit in the first row >o< i was feeling sick the whole movie.

my friend said Avatar is idealistic, which i agreed.
I also agree there is some kind of implication in this movie.
I actually thought humans were going to win the war. they lost, ethically they should. however i don't know why, i think the ending is too happy. i use to like happy endings, always want happy endings too. yet, today... i think it is unrealistic. it is not realistic to have such happy ending.

the movie clearly shows the two completely different sides of human beings. the line is drawn clear and straight. it is true that there is no such people can be either good or bad completely.

there is one good thing i like about the movie. i like the idea... do not try to rob something that doesn't belong to you. if it is not yours, return it back to original owner.

Cooking time.

It is the first week of school, the work load is not getting heavy yet.
This weekend.. I spent quite a bit of time in cooking. I never like to eat alone, actually never really did. When it comes to by myself, I rather just don't eat. Yet, as growing up, I learned to take care about myself. Even I am alone, I should take care of myself, eat and sleep properly. It took me quite a bit of time to learn that, but
I am getting there.

Today.. I made two cakes.
One New York Style cheesecake and one white chocolate mouse cake.
The cheesecake is eatable. I think I need to choose real cream cheese instead of light cream cheese.
The chocolate mouse cake was a failure. >_< I don't even know how to describe it. I tried a couple times and they all failed. Maybe I just never meant to be able to make a chocolate mouse cake successfully...

包蛋就...哈哈。上网看到一厨师做!amazing! 我可能要多几十年功力先做得到。


first week...

it is the ...
first week back to school
first week of new year
first week of work in 2010
first week of ....

maybe it is just the new year thing. i am more motivated than ever. hopefully, it is going to last...
work is boring as usual, that's why i have moments to write blog now. people say it is easy money, might as well just earn it then.
school started, more work than i expected. i don't think i would be able to catch up later if i don't start now. hah.. when my friend keeps remind me how busy this sem is, i just can't believe he is the one who says it. usually, i am the one who reminds him about those things.
job hunting should be started again... or i am really going to sleep on the street in the summer.
i applied for summer school already. no matter how much i don't want to, i guess i would have to stay here for one more month this summer.
my baggage is still missing. lets see how is Northwest going to compensate me. i am really pissed about it, still.

there are too much stuff out of my control.
no matter how much i try, if it never meant to be mine, it would never be mine.
i tried, no regrets.

Sherlock Holmes

I just finished watching Sherlock Holmes.
The movie just came out on the Christmas day of 2009, quite new. We were going to watch Avatar, but it was sold out. Yest, on a Tuesday night at 10.15pm, it was sold out. and it is a movie been out for almost two months.  >_<

It was an interesting movie. It would not be my favor, but acceptable.
As my friend commented,  it is pretty much predictable. There is a lot of actions in the movie, more than I expected. Compare to the movie, I like the stories. I still remember the times when I was a kid, my dad told me stories about Sherlock Holmes. Being a kid was good, full of imagination.

If you like those 19th century setting movie. I think this movie is good for you.

hopefully, I would be able to catch Avatar next week.

Las Vegas trip IV

Day 4

It was a pretty relaxing day.
We enjoyed the swimming in the morning, had a good brunch then head out to the strip.
It is worth to mention the Chinese restaurant in five star hotel. It is more expensive, as expected. However, the food is also so much better. Even compare to the Chinese food in Toronto, it tasted so much better.

The Las Vegas Blvd. is not short. It took us almost the whole day to walk through it.
We went to Luxor, which build like a Pyramid; NewYork NewYork, which has a smaller version of all the NYC significance; Paris, I actually went up to the Eiffel tower there, it is half size of the real one. You would be able to almost the entire Las Vegas on top of the tower. All the lighting is amazing.

Of course, we also went to Bellagio and Venetian. I really like the Italian style of Venetian. 

At night, we went to watch two shows. One is musical, one is strip shows. The musical is pretty funny. It lets me realize how many talented people are out there. They may not look beautiful, however they are all skilled actresses. They performance were sophisticated and appealing. For the strip show, it is named Fantasy. I personally like it better, hahaha. It is top less dance by those girls. Of course, I have to admit they are all amazing dancers. I would never be able to dance like that in those high heels.

That was a Christmas Eve...





Happy New Year!


Happy new year ^o^