no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it


Yes, I finally watched the movie Inception.
I was holding so badly until I can actually watch if in the theater.

I actually like the movie. I guess the review and the ratings did not lie. I would rate it 9/10 as well. The movie was not very difficult to understand as in some of the reviews. The layers of dreams are flipping back and forth, but the director in fact made them pretty clear. Even through I would prefer a clear result at the end, I still think the ending is suitable for the entire movie.

The idea of accessing others' subconscious mind is actually pretty cool. I have to say Christopher Nolan has brilliant ideas and he is able to tell his ideas. About Leonardo DiCaprio, the first movie I watch him play is Titanic.  I just think he is pretty lucky to play all these good roles in all his movies. I do not know if he is really talented.


Wonderland is a theme park in Toronto area. It only opens during the summer time.

Being in Toronto so almost 10 years, I have only been there a few times. The previous time I went is around 4 years ago. Nothing is really changed when I went again yesterday. The waterfall is the same, food and shop locations are the same, rides are the same (there are some new ones).... Only people changed. 

While everything remains the same, I see them differently, feel them differently. I am not who I was 4 years ago, so as others.

Diet Plan

I just finished a three days diet plan last week. The plan is aiming for losing 6lbs after the diet. Since there is no school last week, my colleague decided to give a try.

During the process, it is kind of hard. You get hungry sometimes because no snack in between meals. Office ladies like us usually have some snacks in between, so that took some effort. I think the prime thing of this diet is to smaller your appetite so you don't eat as much after. The food we ate is not that little, but they are health. There is some kind of chemical reaction there to help you lose weight.

Today is the third day since the diet is done. I only gain 1lb back after I lost 5lb in that three days. Of course, I think the most important to keep it up is health eating and work out.

Please see the following to reference the three days diet. Hopefully it would be helpful for you too. =)
[PS. It is in Chinese.]


注意:1.每日饮清水五杯(早、中、晚各一杯,三餐之间各一杯)除此之外不能再饮水或进食 2.生食物只能白煮,用盐和胡椒粉调味,不可加其他调料 3.依食谱次序,不可乱用或用其他替代品 4.咖啡或茶不能加糖或奶 5.配方有化学作用,不可任意更改 采购食品:花生酱一瓶,咖啡一瓶,吞拿金枪鱼罐头两罐,烤面包一袋,菜花一个,扁豆十根,苹果两个,香草冰激凌两杯,香蕉三根,酸奶一杯,西兰花一个,苏打饼干一袋,奶酪一片,西柚一个,面包片一袋,肉片两片,红葡萄三十粒,热狗肠两根,鸡蛋两颗

one step closer

After four years, I finally completed the 51credit courses as Chartered Accountancy required in Ontario. I just got my last grade today, which means I am officially completed. It is actually a relieve. Completing all required courses means I am one step closer to the designation. Hopefully, I will get there.





I am not religious. However, I know there is too much in the world cannot be controlled by human. When we feel helpless, is there anything else we can do other to trying the bestI pray. Sometimes, I really wish there is god. I really wish god is there to help.

I hope praying works....


不是每個人都有這样的福气,一辈子都有人陪着做每一件事,陪着過每一天。 人出生時是大多一個人,走時也是一個人,没有带来或带走任何東西。在世上,每個人都有自己的生活要過,自己的路要走。可能幸運的话會有人陪你走一段,或長或短,總有一天他們會離開。没有人是應份為你做些甚麽,没有人會欠你甚麽。人家為你作了事,帮了你,是出予好心,你是應该感恩的。當你要的太多,麻烦人家太多,只拿不還,别人也只好疏远你了。


我是想不明白為甚麽有人會作這种事。我没有读過心理學,覚得是很不可思议的。护士不是應该很有愛心的嗎? 對人温柔礼貌的人不是好人嗎?





I have to admit, Starbucks is pretty expensive.
Starbucks is selling atmosphere and quality coffee. It is pretty costly if you have one everyday. (average $5 CAD/ day x 20business days = $100CAD/ month) Compare this amount to Tim Hortons (another well known coffee shop in Canada) (Average $2.5/day x 20 business days = $50/month). The price is half, cumulative $50x12=$600/year. If you drink Timmys daily instead of Starbucks, you saved a netbook + an iPhone a year.

However, I would still pick Starbucks.
I pick Starbucks because I drink latte instead of coffee, and the quality of coffee is 10x better than Timmy's. I always say Starbucks is my second home. Starbucks is where I get most of my studying done, productively. I like the atmosphere here, relaxing and not very distracting. I rather waste a new netbook every year to come here often.

It is tradeoff. People have different values. I rather enjoy life during the limited lifetime off than saving so much for future that I may not even have. Of course, there is a balance.