no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

work evaluation

do you get those moments that you make up excuses to not attend work?
do you have those times that you hate your job and don't want to go to that work place again?
do you ever quit because you don't like what you do at work?

i am starting to experience those.
no, there is nothing wrong with my boss/work.
however, when i am not doing anything new after a year, i don't have motivation to go to work anymore. i know even the smallest task or every job would bring me something. but when you have to photocopy/filing for an hour, i don't think there is that much fun there. fortunately, it is only a temporary part-time position....

i start learning to make up excuses to skip work.
i start ask for sick leaves.
i start to not going to work because i don't want to.
yes, i feel bad about it, but i still do it.


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