no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

law abiding citizen

Today is Halloween, however I do not have celebrate about it.
After this exam, I went to a movie, and it is not even a horrow movie. I guess I really learn to be myself and ignore about this holiday thing now. We picked this action movie law abiding citizen instead.
According to the rating on Flixster, it was not a bad movie. However, it is not as good as I expected.

Bitterness goes before sweetness.

Almost every single scene is expected, even the conversation is expected. From how Gerard Butler planned the whole thing, how he would kill the justice workers... The only part was kind of twisted was the ending. Yet, I am sure it was thought of by other people.
The filming was not bad, except for some tech use was not amazing. Unfortunately, the plot bores audience a lot.

I like the main ideas/message behind this movie.
The justice system is not good enough to punish the people who deserve it. I am sure the same problem exist in other countries around the world.
I have always agree with legal system is difficult to achieve real effectiveness. It is usually slower with the updates in society. Also, there is too much grey areas in reality. Most of the stuff does not have a correct answer, not about black or white. How much could actually be justice?

After half day of chilling, November starts, 2009 is coming to the end.
If you do what you need/should do, would you be able to get what you want?


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