no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

Captain America

Today is the release day of Captain America. Honestly, I didn't really know what is this movie about when I picked it.  I saw the trailer and thought it was fine. I wanted to pick something that comes out today because today is special.

Movie first...
When I told people I am going to watch this movie, everyone is shocked. >< I guess it is not a favor super hero for everyone and it seems childish. However, I don't it is a bad movie after all. I never really know the original story of Captain America, the plot of the movie is not bad. Yet, the ending is pretty awkward and do not really fit into the whole story.

I watched the movie in 3D. I don't think it is worth it. The 3D parts have not done well. I did not really see the 3D is necessary. Other than the 3Ds, the overall action scenes are fine. Some of the explosion and fighting scenes are not realistic enough.

There is nothing special about the acting part because they are mostly action scenes.

overall, i rate this movie 5/10.

PS. 要感谢神的眷顾,也要感谢所有帮了我的贵人,更要感谢給我無限支持的家人和朋友。我會為下一城更努力。


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