no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

Cooking time.

It is the first week of school, the work load is not getting heavy yet.
This weekend.. I spent quite a bit of time in cooking. I never like to eat alone, actually never really did. When it comes to by myself, I rather just don't eat. Yet, as growing up, I learned to take care about myself. Even I am alone, I should take care of myself, eat and sleep properly. It took me quite a bit of time to learn that, but
I am getting there.

Today.. I made two cakes.
One New York Style cheesecake and one white chocolate mouse cake.
The cheesecake is eatable. I think I need to choose real cream cheese instead of light cream cheese.
The chocolate mouse cake was a failure. >_< I don't even know how to describe it. I tried a couple times and they all failed. Maybe I just never meant to be able to make a chocolate mouse cake successfully...

包蛋就...哈哈。上网看到一厨师做!amazing! 我可能要多几十年功力先做得到。



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