no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

First post - Introductory

This is the first post of this No Regret Blog.
The purpose of creating this blog is that I want ensure myself live a life without regret.
I personally believe that regret is the worst emotion in the world. All the other negative emotions, such as depress, anger can be recovered. However, we cannot do anything about regret, because we cannot overwrite the past. In here, I want to be a true me. Maybe no one would ever read this blog, which could be a good thing, so that I can express everything here.
I do not we can eliminate regret in our lives, yet we can at least try our best to avoid it. So, our lives would be more meaningful when we look back after years.
I believe there is destiny, but I also believe we can make decision for our own lives. After all, we only live for ourselves at the end. Before we make a decision, be considerate. The decision may change our lives ultimately, it may lead us to a complete direction of life. Nevertheless, once we make the decision, we are responsible for it and should walk through it.



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