no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

Another quote

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

This first time I heard life is all suffering, I was going in the last year of high school. The teacher commented on it when we were studying Hamlet. I didn't understand how life is all about pain and suffering back then. After all these years, I do. 

When you first realize how painful life is, you may be frustrated, disappointed and may want to give up life. Usually, people get over it and move on. They taste the sweetness while suffering in life. Some people couldn't get over it and never bother to try to live better.

If you happen to find the meaning of your life, you will survive better in this world. I am looking for some miracle in my life. Even thought there is no miracles, I still keep my hope for life. I believe it would my suffering more meaningful.


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