no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it


Brandnames seem to be attracted to large portion of population.
It doesn't matter if its the highend ones or lowend ones. There are more and more big box brands on the market. It could be more efficient in a way, but less creative and unique on goods and services.

Why branded products are so attracted to people? It really dose not matter for male or female. Maybe they like different kinds of products, but eventually they are still brand named.
Why branded products are better than other ones? Maybe they are better in some way, but is it always true?
Why people would die from branded products? Even knowing self cannot effort it, but still try all ways to get it.

I guess brandnames has the reputation.
- using better materials
- have better HR to produce and design
- more variety
- better quality
- warranty
Yet, most importantly. i believe it is the identity that brandname bring to consumers.
LV - means upper class?
Channel - means better taste?
Eventually, i believe it all depends on inside. Changing/upgrading appearance is not difficult.
Improving yourself from inside is the most difficult part.

Advice to all who die for branded products.
Of course it would be good to be able to effort all the pretty stuff, but know your limit. Ask yourself one more time before you buy it, is it worth it? do you really need it?


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