no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it


saying Investment... what would be your first option?
GIC? T-Bill? Stock? Bonds? ...
as advertised, i think education is the best investment.
i never realize its worthness until ealier.

a friend used to say that... everyone has a price.
i disagreed.
i thought a person is priceless. there is a price for his work, but not himself as a person.

now, think about it in another way, maybe he was correct.
a person does have a price. they hire you to work. it is the price of you.
all the knowledge, experience, inspiration you have, they are apart of you.
the price you get paid is how much you worth.
maybe it sounds bad, but somehow it is true. it is the truth that we don't want to agree with.

no one would want you for no reason.
there must something in you that someone wants.
if you have more, people would want you more.

therefore, if you put money into some product that you hope to the value would increase.
why not invest in yourself, increase the value of yourself?


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