no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

Las Vegas trip III

Day 3

I booked the bus tour to Grand Canyon.
The bus tour took 12 hours in total. The ride was not as bad as I thought. Maybe I just fell asleep.

First we visited Hoover Dam. It was just a photo stop. Maybe I am not the type of people interested in such construction. I didn't feel much except for it is just big. Yet, I am sure whoever build this in the 1930s had a very hard time there.

Then we drove to Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon was not something as I expected. It is basically all rocks. On the way, we saw some plant named Joshua Tree. It is a pretty cool plant grow in dessert. You would only find in Grand Canyon area.

We have been to a couple villages there. No water, people have to buy water and put them in tanks. Very very small and simple. Heh, I couldn't live there myself. It is a REAL village.

We went to sky walk. Only 128max people can be on that glass deck at a time. We spent quite a bit of time to line up there. When I look down the canyon from the glass. Surprisingly, it was not as bad as the time when I was in sears tower. Maybe because it was all rocks, nothing is moving down there.

It doesn't really matter if I like it there. It is a nature, a pretty big thing made by nature. It is worthwhile to go and take a look.

Las Vegas trip II

Day 2

Mandalay Bay has a very nice pool set. It was cold, but they still kept one of them open.
We went to swim and the massage pool in the morning. It is actually very relaxing and comfortable to swim in the morning and fresh you up. I guess I understand why those rich people in the huge house do so now. 

After that we went to walk around the hotel and the strip for a bit. Then we started to go to Las Vegas premium outlet mall. There are too many brand names there. I can't really count, it was such an amazing place to do Christmas and other shopping.Well, we didn't end up have the opportunity to walk through all the stores.

I didn't buy much, hard to believe eh? I kept myself under control this time. =p

At night, we went to Bellagio to have a dinner Buffet. According to a Chinese newpaper in Toronto, it was one of the best ones in Vegas. We lined up for a good 90min (maybe more than that). The dinner is ok, good variety. If I have rate it, I rate 7/10.

Las Vegas trip I

For this Christmas holiday, we decided to go to Las Vegas.
Las Vegas, a well known city for extreme entertainment. Games, gambling, shows, shopping, bars, drinks... you name it.
Despite the fact that it is very dry in Vegas, everything is pretty nice and entertainment. The weather is good, 8-10 degrees in day time, 0-2 degrees in night time. Only 4.3inches rain every year.

Day 1

I decided to take the flight in Buffalo because it would be cheaper that way, including all the parking and gas expenses.

We left in the morning, drove to the Buffalo airport. It didn't take us that long. However, I realize that GPS is something that not worthwhile to spend money on. We got on, and it ends up I figure out the way by myself.
Everything is pretty convenient. Self check in, fast and easy, didn't need to wait too long. 
The flight we took is Northwest, it was before the bomb incident. The security is still pretty tight. No difference from a few years ago. No liquid allowed, not even water allowed. Checked all the bags, took off shoes...etc. Yet after this bomb thing, I believe the security is even tighter.

The flight was very long. We needed to switch flight in Detroit and took a stop in Indiana. If it is possible, I would not suggest to take this kind of flight again. $50 more is worthwhile than wasting time on the plane.

We arrived Las Vegas at 9pm local time.
Cabbing to hotel only took 10min, I booked Mandalay Bay, one of the five stars. It is located on the edge of Las Vegas Blvd., still on strip.
The lobby is nice and big. In order to go to restaurant, theater and other stuff, you need to pass the casino. The building is 34 floors, we lived on the 31st, really nice view. We were able to see the airport clearly. 

Ending 2009

Only a few days left of 2009...
another year is gone. What have I done in 2009?
I guess it is time to think back and think forward for a bit, which I haven't done it for a couple year. Never after that....

I just came back from Las Vegas. My luggage is missing. Lets pray I would be able to get them back. I hope the people in Northwest Airline / airport are responsible enough to return my luggage.


    a pretty woman can get any kind of man she likes.
    a rich man can get any kinds of girl he wants.

  • 手袋
  • 身裁
  • 頭發
  • 鞋子




A.  手表
B.  荷包
C.  鞋
D.  大衣
E.  眼鏡
F.   髮型





听闻又有人在香港闹市從高处投危险物品傷 到路人。


first one down

Today is the first exam...Taxation.
Unfortunately, Canada has almost the most complicated tax system over the world. It takes students extra effort to learn it. I guess it could be the hardest exam out of mine.
Anyways.. it is done!

Hope next sem would do better.

journal 節选

Counting down.. two more weeks and I am free from this year.
However, it is going to be insane two weeks.

People are done with CFA exams yesterday. Hope you guys all done well on it.
With a passing rate 30-50%, I wished all of you good luck. The reality is cruel, but I still wish you all the best. Maybe I couldn't say it directly, but I have always wanted you to have the best.

I won the an award on a strategy competition. What a surprise!
I have never been ambitious, I never aimed to win something. I just worked my way through. Stuff like this would cheer me up and motivate me to work I guess.

December has arrived a week ago. 2009 is going toward the end.
I just realize, the whole 2009... I havn't really slow down and think.. maybe I should do it over the holidays.
There is some stuff that need to be sorted out.

Just read an article about time management, do the important stuff first, not the urgent ones. Silent time helps you to clear up your mind.


The movie 2012... I watched at home, which I think it was a waste. Those effects are worthwhile to pay that $10 to watch in a theather. Too bad that I didn't have time for that, I watched that when I was studying Japanese. >_<

In general, I think this movie is well done. Doesn't matter if Hollywood took the advantage of the Mayas. It is an opportunity afterall. What I got out of it is the humanities from this movie. The first reaction I got was, humans are horrible. Second thought was.. if it was me.. I might act the same? We are all selfish, we all want to protect ourselves first. Different from the leading roles, (or  maybe I don't have kids yet?)  I would be calm and say the last words to my love ones, just like the fathers on the cruise.

I am sure live is precious. If there is an opportunity, we should try to live longer and better. Yet, step back. is it worth it? How many people lost their lives when they were trying? I just thought it is better do something more meaningful than try too hard to run away from death.

The scene I remember the most is the India scientist who died with his whole family. At least they are all loved and together until the moment they leave this world.

Coco Chanel

這並不是新電影, 2008的事了。一直想看但沒有機會, 朋友多數不喜這種歴吏電影。

Coco Chanel is successful with no question. She was ahead of her time. She was unique and brave enough to think differently and show her thinking as well.
Outlier was correct that in order for a person to success in one thing, he at least need to spend 10,000 hours on it. Chanel did!

Maybe the fate is fair. Chanel was so successful in her career but she was never married. She clearly chose her way. A woman like her is certainly unique, Attractive, adorable... But when it comes marriage, men are all backed off.

Everyone has their all destiny. It really depends which one you choose to be.

Bus strike

In HK/China, this almost never happened.
The bus service is completely stopped in this city. There is no any settlemment schedule as well.
No question, a very negative influence on people's daily living.

As a student, it is really impacted honestly.
Maybe I am not the case. I live on campus and I also have a car.
However, to most students they need to figure a way out to get on the campus and it becomes costly.
I am sure it causes tons of inconvience for other people as well.

The bottom line is...
How bad the benefits of drivers would be? How low the wages they are getting now?
Do they not know that working in a public service organization need to be responsible for the public as well? Why are people so selfish? I know it is understandable, everyone was a better life. But there must be another to figure out the settlement.

It is not snowing yet. I can't even imagine when it starts snowing.
People are forced to stay home?









正人君子真的很好听,谁不想做。但作爲那所谓的正人君子,一大堆条条框框不说。那還是可以接受的,但到了人与人之间的相处就更难了。每個人對正人君子/好人的定義都不同。對人好就是好人?事事按规矩做就是正人?真心待人就是好人?顾得哥来失嫂意。the more you do, the more others would take it for granted.  到頭来,還落得個是坏人的名声。其實何谓坏人又何谓好人?一開始做坏人,至少當你做好事時,别人還會欣赏一下。







突然想起陳小春的一首歌 - 犯贱

what's wrong with me?



雖説在做每個决定前都問一下自己會否後悔,但今日的不後悔不等于明天的不後悔。 所谓今日不知明日事,或许明天另有事情發生想法又不同了。 又或许即使明知道是错的,但不做又不甘心,甚至失控,你還會做那决定嗎?

不是説我忘记過去或不想過去的事,只是我不後悔我曾做過的事。哪怕是错的,我也情愿。没有曾经错過,也不會有今天的成长。即使當初做的所有事都是完美,今日的结局也不一定會有不同。就好像电影 Butterfly effects,無論男主角如何改變歴史,也不见得有更好的结局。

人總會想 “如果我....那就可能....” 那通常是第一反應,然後再日rationalize自己,告诉自己應该怎样想才是對的。最後才説服自己以後该如何做的更好。


horrible friend

nonono.. i don't really have a horrible friend, but i am one.
it happens to me more than once.. actually, a couple time..
for a friend that i talk to everyday, or seeing everyone... i keep forgetting their birthdays. >_<

when did i become so heartless and cold blooded?
i used to remember all their birtdays, the stuff they like, the stuff they need...
and now.... i hardly even remember their birthdays.
what happened to me?

i thought i was getting better...
in fact... i am getting worse...

Leona Lewis

due to the external environment i grow up with, i listen to all kinds of music. 
asian, black, european, pop, R&B, jazz, rap, dance...etc. 
nothing particular that i like the most, i don't look for specific songs, sometime i just pick and choose the ones that i have opportunity to hear. 
there are only a very few singers would let me pay attention with, and she is one of the them - Leona Lewis.

Leona Lewis is born in 1985,British, rose to fame in the X factor singing contest.
She was the winner of the group 16-24s by then.

Her first album Spirit came out in 2007 and helped her achieve international breakthrough. All 13 songs were amazing. In 2008, Bleeding Love and Better in time  have been plugged  around North America. I have her album in my ipod for over a year, and I never get bored of it. 

Her second album Echo out now, which I have been waiting for a while. Her talented voice and singing technique are all well presented in her song. (hah, I am listening to it when I am writing this, not done the whole album yet so I can't pick favor yet.)

The music in western culture generally takes longer to compose and work on. Quality is so much more important then quantity. I didn't mind waited two years to hear another awesome album.

work evaluation

do you get those moments that you make up excuses to not attend work?
do you have those times that you hate your job and don't want to go to that work place again?
do you ever quit because you don't like what you do at work?

i am starting to experience those.
no, there is nothing wrong with my boss/work.
however, when i am not doing anything new after a year, i don't have motivation to go to work anymore. i know even the smallest task or every job would bring me something. but when you have to photocopy/filing for an hour, i don't think there is that much fun there. fortunately, it is only a temporary part-time position....

i start learning to make up excuses to skip work.
i start ask for sick leaves.
i start to not going to work because i don't want to.
yes, i feel bad about it, but i still do it.

change of layouts

i usually change template once so often in a few months.
why being not consistent? maybe it is because of my character as well.
i am easily to get bored of one time, i don't like repetitive stuff.
for the past half an year, i made my life easy and  used default ones provided my blogger.

this time.. starting of november, i decided to do something new.
i found some other templates online, better designs. i believe adding some elements is always a positive thing.
i don't think this template is sophiscated, there is other html code needed to be work on.
i hope the new layout is welcomed, just like other new stuffs.

maybe it is waste of time, but it was kind of an impulse decision.























an article i read online, which i think it is pretty true. 

law abiding citizen

Today is Halloween, however I do not have celebrate about it.
After this exam, I went to a movie, and it is not even a horrow movie. I guess I really learn to be myself and ignore about this holiday thing now. We picked this action movie law abiding citizen instead.
According to the rating on Flixster, it was not a bad movie. However, it is not as good as I expected.

Bitterness goes before sweetness.

Almost every single scene is expected, even the conversation is expected. From how Gerard Butler planned the whole thing, how he would kill the justice workers... The only part was kind of twisted was the ending. Yet, I am sure it was thought of by other people.
The filming was not bad, except for some tech use was not amazing. Unfortunately, the plot bores audience a lot.

I like the main ideas/message behind this movie.
The justice system is not good enough to punish the people who deserve it. I am sure the same problem exist in other countries around the world.
I have always agree with legal system is difficult to achieve real effectiveness. It is usually slower with the updates in society. Also, there is too much grey areas in reality. Most of the stuff does not have a correct answer, not about black or white. How much could actually be justice?

After half day of chilling, November starts, 2009 is coming to the end.
If you do what you need/should do, would you be able to get what you want?

一分耕耘 一分收获

一分耕耘 一分收获


it is me being too idealistic? or too childish?
most of the stuff i have been taught/told is getting unreal to me.
should i sustain my belief? or i should start face the reality and change it.

就像电视剧里的角色,三好 (做好事,存好心,说好话)

grad photos

it may sounds too early, however it is the time.
grad photos may not mean anything, but still a memory.
looking back to the grad photos of high school and elementary school.  hehe, i am getting old.

seeing the photographers reminds me of taking of photography before.
i miss the feeling of posing other people, adjusting the light condition, shutter speed...etc.
don't know when would be an opportunity to do it again.





Role of policeman

take a look at the following video

This takes place in my school, one of the main buildings that has most flow everyday.
I am not going to comment on the person who is been arrested, because I don't really know what happened.
I did not get a chance to see scene inside the building. But I was outside of the building. I saw five police cars and at least 15-20 police officers in from of the building, as well as an ambulance.

My friend saw it in person, close to the scene.
After I saw the video and heard his decription. All I think of is that... why those policemans have to beat up the crime so much? (maybe not a crime, he was just drunk.) There were more than enough police officer there to control him. Is it really necessary to hit him that many times.

Maybe I should not comment just base on what I saw and heard. I am sure there is something inside that I wouldn't know. However, I don't agree with polices use violent action easily.


Brandnames seem to be attracted to large portion of population.
It doesn't matter if its the highend ones or lowend ones. There are more and more big box brands on the market. It could be more efficient in a way, but less creative and unique on goods and services.

Why branded products are so attracted to people? It really dose not matter for male or female. Maybe they like different kinds of products, but eventually they are still brand named.
Why branded products are better than other ones? Maybe they are better in some way, but is it always true?
Why people would die from branded products? Even knowing self cannot effort it, but still try all ways to get it.

I guess brandnames has the reputation.
- using better materials
- have better HR to produce and design
- more variety
- better quality
- warranty
Yet, most importantly. i believe it is the identity that brandname bring to consumers.
LV - means upper class?
Channel - means better taste?
Eventually, i believe it all depends on inside. Changing/upgrading appearance is not difficult.
Improving yourself from inside is the most difficult part.

Advice to all who die for branded products.
Of course it would be good to be able to effort all the pretty stuff, but know your limit. Ask yourself one more time before you buy it, is it worth it? do you really need it?


Chicago...the thanksgiving weekend trip

This is the first time I go to Chicago.
It is a very short trip, but overall it was good.
Because we drove there, the road condition was not great the first day.
Fortunately, the town did not disappoint me.

The city planning was good. The buildings are not as crowded as NYC or HK. It was very enjoyable to walk in downtwon Chicago. We drove around the city, the spaces, malls, architectures are amazing. However, the traffic planning is not that pleasant. All taxis drive aggresively. The lanes are not clear, which confuses drivers a lot. Other than that, I really like Chicago.

Compare to New York, I like Chicago better.
I beleive Chicago is famous for tis architects too. Willis Tower (a.k.a Sears Tower) is the tallest building in the world, including the forecast pole. There is a clear box on the 103rd floor extend out and I actually dare to stand out there. It is always say than do it. I didn't think I am scared of height. Yet, it did take some effort to stand out there at that specific moment. It took us quite a while to line up get up there, but I guess it is worth it. Compare to the Rockefeller Center in NYC, viewing the city from Willis Tower, Chicago has more spacing and buildings are not as huge.
Mentioning the style of buildings. I realize that the buildings in Chicago pays more attention to details. I see more embossment as decorations in walls. I didn't realize how fine art is apart of thie Chicago culture until I was actually in the City. Even the restaurants, walls are all decorated with portaits and still live drawings. I really like the artistic atmosphere there.

I am looking forward to visit the town again.



another month is gone

today is the last day of september, 2009.
i am being very unproductive today, due to the sickness.
know i should of take care of myself, know i should of be confident and treate myself better.
however, it is always easier to say than actually put to action.

the time i spent in london goes by faster than i thought.
full moon festival is coming up this weekend, then thanksgiving again...
i would never be able to catch up with time.

time is the only thing fair to everyone, time is all we have.
however i disagree with one thing, time doesn't help to heal.





back up plans

back up plans may or may not be a good thing.

conservative people tend to have back up plans, just like my mother.
she is always careful, think about the consequences after an action.
of course, that is what i have been taught.
it can be a good thing, because having back up plans will save you from a ridiculously sad situation.
however, it can also keep you from the real success.

aggressive people may not have back up plans. 
it is more likely they would set a goal and takes everything to reach it.
of course, when they achieve it, everything is worth it. yet.. what if they don't?
nonetheless, just because they don't have back up plans, they have nothing to lose.
they try harder and have high chance to succeed.

if it is you, what would you pick?

character changes destiny?

they always say...

character changes destiny.

however, is that really true?

i am not religious.
yet, i think somehow destiny is existed.
i understand you are the one who controls your own life.
yet, there is too much stuff out of control. maybe because my ability is too limited.
i believe the butterfly effect is existing. every little detail counts.
yet, no matter how much you try, there is some end you may not change/control.

i try my best to live everyday meaningfully, without any regret.
does it really work?

Does it matter?

people like to comment on others.
when people are commenting on others, they usually don't think about the result of commenting.
words can cause a major effect on other.
words can be the most hurtful weapon.
words can easily solve a problem and cause a problem at the same time.

words has major influence because people care about what other say.
however, sometimes how others think doesn't really matter.
most of the time, it is better if you learn to don't care.
most of the time, it is better if you learn to be yourself.

every individual has his own value.
someone would be able to tell eventually.

information sessions

It is almost been a week since I came back to the town of London.
London did not change much, boring as usual.
Seeing all the frosh come in, I feel old; hearing them talking, i feel even older.
I was looking lost, talking stupid, thinking immaturely, just like what they are doing now.
No, I am not what I have done. At the specific moment, I made the best decision as I could. There is no point to regret. Thinking back does not help with anything.
Think about it in another way, seeing those frosh, feeling old means.. i learned and grew over these years in university. I did not waste my time and money here.

back to the topic.. information sessions.

i have been to a lot of information sessions in this past week, almost everyday.
These information sessions are hosted by various companies and for the purpose of campus recruitment and networking.
All levels of staff would come to the info session and answer the questions of students.
It is important for student to talk to them, get them remember you and follow. It is the first impression you give to them, influential to your future application.

I never like to talk to strangers.
Now.. I am learning to ace this skill.


eight years...
yes, the day that twin towel ended its mission, i started my life in Canada.

eight years ago, there is a lot that i did not understand.
the repetitive scene on TV did not appeal to me as much.
now seeing it again, realize how horrible it was.

eight years is a long time. but it went past too fast.
it seems like i have done nothing but time has already went by.
time is fair to everyone and that is all we have.

eight years is long enough to change a lot.
even a year is enough.
whatever is over is over, need to move on.

all about steve

today is the first day of school.
last entertainment is all about steve.

this is another comedy movie.
it is funny and relaxing overall.
yes, i like comedy movies. sometimes, watching a movie is about relaxing, don't want to think much anymore. eventually, you may get something out of it anyways.

as the main character said.. no need to change yourself for anyone. you just have to find someone that matches.
another thing is media. media likes to exaggerate events. i am not saying it has to be a bad thing. however, it is not easy to understand in the movie that why the main actress suddenly became a hero.

really need to mention about the actors. i think sarah did a really good job to establish the characteristic of fun, smart and enthusiasm. the asian actor is playing an more important role in this movie, if you remember him from the hangovers. i am happy to see asians are improving in their parts.

september memo

when we mention September... what do you think of?

- students back to school
- beginning of fall
- another long weekend (for Canadians)
- full moon festival/moon cake is coming
- ...etc.

to me this year...
going into the final year of undergraduate.
of course i think of back to school, and one more thing this time... campus recruitment.
honestly, it is not happy to back to that small town. yet, it is better to concentrate at school there.
as everyone says, it's the last year. don't do/not do anything that i would regret.

first meeting with clients

meeting with clients do not sound like a big deal.
yet, an actual formal business meeting, this is the first time for me.
and yes, i was nervous.
the meeting is held in 8.30am this morning, i almost kept myself awake for the whole night because i did not want to sleep in. ><"

this meeting is a good lesson and good experience overall.
thanks for my boss and manager, they don't need to worry about that i didn't learn anything anymore.
because i did.. and i got a lot out of this.

meeting with clients...
presentation and communication skill is the key.
everything has to be very clear and well prepared.
i know it sounds very easy. however, in order to make an average person on the street understand is not as easy as you thought. (at least not as easy as i thought)
also, there is so much to observe.
know your clients is the key rule.

experience is essential to all works.

The time traveler's wife

if you have an option, would you be the time traveler's wife?

this is a romance movie, quite obvious.
the men travels through time, through the girl's life time as well.
i am not going to talk about the plot much here, or else i would ruin the movie.

back to the question...
being a time traveler's wife, would spend a lot of time waiting.
trust is extremely important as well.
it seems like a difficult task, but if it was me, i would do the same.

also, know the future in advance...
it seems cool, but that change a person's complete view of life.
knowing the result without be able to change it... would be cruel.

i wouldn't rate this movie too high, because it wasn't as good as i thought.
some of the stuff doesn't make sense, it could be more reasonable.

this weekend...

i feel like i haven't update anything in the "journal" category for a while.
the past weekend was kind of tiring.
it is like one of those time..."you don't feel like you have done much, but time past away"

volunteering with world vision

world vision should be a charity organization that people are familiar with.
i was actually looking forward to get people to sponsor childs during the event.
too bad that i got relocated to other categories. hopefully, i would get a chance next time.
honestly, the concert is long and not that amazing.
yet... it is great to know that all the bands and people are willing to be part of it.

boat cruise

the event is well organized overall.
however, from my perspective, i see lots of improvements to be done.
attending this kind of events could be helpful for me to observe more.


yes.. i spent more than 11 hours in office today.
and.. i actually worked the whole 11hours.

this overtime work is not required. i took the initiative.
i know 11 hours doesn't sound a lot to many people, especially for the people who are used to OT in HK. but then this does not always happen in Toronto.

i should go back to my point.
it is worth it. for all the time and effort i devote, it is worth it.
it is not the first i write a report or do a project. yet, it is different when you actually do it for a client.
every single detail has a lot to learn and needs attention.
i am glad that i got this opportunity.

there is always something that you thought you know, but you don't.
you may never get to a perfect position, because anything can always be more amended.

there is something we will never understand/control

people tend to like something they can control, that's why people like easy task. for the difficult task, people find it challenging, but eventually get it under control and feel proud of it.

however, there is something that we will never gain the control of... may never be able to understand it.

i used to think i understand it, because i try to be understanding and nice for all my life.
the result is disappointing.
now that i don't even try to understand or waste time to try to get a control of it.

if it is not controllable / understandable, why waste time?
i know it hurts, i understand it more than anyone else.
but i still want my friends to be happy.
don't do something you would regret, just do what you can.

customer service 這東西


“客戶是上帝” 雖是這有點誇張,但也不是沒道理的。



The funny people.... is another comedy movie.

as my colleague said, it is good to watch after stressful work.
other than the funny part... i thought of something else about this movie.

for those who like comedy shows, they should like it.

funny people... those people who like to tell jokes, always make people laugh.
others think they are funny, think they are happy.
yet, are they really?

the happier it is in surface, the more pain inside.
the more popular it appears, the more lonely it is within.


it is civil holiday long weekend.

the highlight of this trip would be the Henry Ford Museum.
the museum is not huge as i thought, but large enough for us to spend a couple hours there.
there are a lot to see in the museum.
the 100 years of auto life is one of my favor parts. i am not a tech person, however, seeing the development of automobile is educational.
human's innovation is amazing.

visiting the city of detroit...
i was quite sure detroit had its good time.
seeing the city now is such a disappointment. not mentioning how quite the town is, everything is lack of maintenance there.
no one is walking on the street, limited cars are driving on the street. stores are mostly closed. most constructions are paused.
described by another person.... "it looks like a death town right after war."
the effect is obvious in this town with the economic depression and the downturn of auto industry in US.

The ugly truth

seeing the title the ugly truth, what do you feel?

to be honest, i believe that is true. truth is usually ugly and cruel.
truth means reality, means no fantasy, means no pretty dress.
after you unzip the fancy appearance, the inside is usually ugly.

attention, i said USUALLY, NOT always.
yes, i believe there is still some good in the truth. at least i still want to believe that.
and this movie, the ugly truth sent that message too.

the story is about revealing the ugly truth of relationships.
personally, i don't see a truth of that.
if there is a statement, a definition of love; or a relationship can be skilled.
there would not be that much of romance movies, songs, books...etc.
just because relationship is something that no one could possibly control and understand it fully, there are stories.






OL (known as Office Lady)

ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be an office lady.
I liked to play with stationery, hope to put them into use.
I liked to sit in an office and handle all the documents.
I liked to sign papers and tell the person it's good.

yes, thats because I was a kid. I didn't know how cruel the reality is.

now the real world comes, it is not as easy as you think.
maybe you think sitting in an office, dress pretty, doing paper work are easy tasks.
at least i thought so, i thought it would be easier way to go compare to others.

no, being an OL is not as easy as you think.
there are a lot of stress and work load that others may not know about.

if you like it, then it is worthy to continue.
if you don't, maybe you need to realize that, soon the better.

we should all know what we really want.








Summerlicious - an event presented by American Express, promoting the fine dining restaurants in the city of Toronto.

Toronto has summerlicious every year.
This event is beneficial for the travel industry and economy overall.

No matter how good the event is, people and city environment is what makes the reputation.

busy work

haven't been busy like this for a while.
actually, busy work is good. it is challenging.

a person should have some challenge regularly, it is beneficial for growth.

Which group do you belong to?




It is a comedy movie.
It is funny, but different kind of funny from The Proposal. You laugh at those specific scenes and jokes. Some people might not get it, but if you get it those jokes, it would be funny for you.
There are same scenes involved nudity to make you laugh. Personally, I don't like this kind of humor that much. um... it is funny and relaxing, but it is not educated enough (not sure how to describe it properly).

The acting is quite good. The characters are pretty obvious. I think that is the key of a movie/story. They show all those funny scenes naturally, which would be more acceptable for audience.

yea.. it's friday.
the movie theater is packed.
we were going to watch Public Enemies. but then tickets were sold out. it is not one of the best days for sure.

hopefully we will be able to catch it next week.

civil servants

named as civil servants, tax payers pay for your salaries. theoratically, they should work for the citizens with the best manner, provide efficient service. ever since when, civil servants only care about themselves because the job is permanent, they are not really serving anymore.

I work in an accounting firm, need to deal with Canada Revenue Agency regularly.
I am gonna quote some conversations as following, you would of understand why I complain.

>> M - Me, A - Agent

M: Hi, I am inquiring this xxx issue. (A very general question) What would be the process of it?

A: Where are you calling from?


A: What is the Business number?

...... (ask me all the confidential information)

M: So, what would be the progress if I want to do xxx?

A: You called before, we put in the request for you. All you can do is wait for our letters.

M: Yes, I call two weeks ago. You said you would send me the letter, but I didn't receive anything. I need to get it done by the end of this month.

A: All you can do is wait, we will send it out.

M: Is there anything I can do to advance the procedure then?

A: No, there is nothing you can do.

M: How long would it take then?

A: I don't know, it depends on our work load.

depend on your work load? so if you think you are busy, you will never handle my file then? we pay that much of taxes every year, this is the service we get. even you work 9am-5pm, with the most on time breaks, at least work efficiently when you are working.

my parents told me to apply for government positions too.
they say it is stable, a lot of benefits and high salary.
what i think is... working there, slows a person's development and even forget about the principle of being an employee.
my conclusion is... they are lazy, because they are used to get a lot from working very little.

this no plastic shopping bag topic...

HK just started this no plastic shopping bag today.
Toronto started this a couple days ago.

From my perspective, I do not think there is anything wrong with it.
yes, it definitely brings us inconvenience and change our living habbit.
I bought two pillows another day, I forgot it changes 5cents each plastic bag. Eventually, I had to hold that two queen size pillows and walked around the mall. No wonder it doesn't look nice and seem troublesome. However, it is beneficial to the world, eventually. Why can we just sacrifice a bit of convenience?

I don't think it is necessary for anyone to explain this or argue over it.
It is environmentally friendly. the society is advancing, people need to change.
I just hope people don't play the trick, work on the pre-packagings. It would be the same if you use paper or fabric bags.


please don't get me wrong after you see this title. i am not really into gambling. in fact, i don't really gamble. people know me knows, i don't even play money when we play mahjong or card games. why talk about gamble now then?

i never think gambling is a good activity in any kind. however, i cannot deny that it is very profitable for entertainment industry and the government. whoever invent casion in the first place is a genius.
actually, I think gambling is a good training of self control. you have to learn to know your limits and know when to resist from envirionmental influences.

there are lessons to be learn in everything we do.







那煙花加維港夜景,即時這裡有Niagara Falls也比不上。


today is the day






summer time

yes... the summer is officially came.
because we actually have to turn on the air conditioning last night.

also, i believe global warming is getting serious at the same time. the temperature is heading to the extemes. winters are getting colder and summers are getting hotter. i am not great enough to say "think for our next generation". but i think we should at least care about ourselves. try to be environmentally friendly as we can, even it is more work involved.

summer time.. cheers. no need to wrap yourself up anymore. ^0^

The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3

too bad i didn't finish the movie. =(
so i don't have a full picture of the movie.

the movie is cast by John Travolta and Denzel Washington. seems like the acting quality is secured. if you let me rate it, i won't rate it too high. because, i don't feel too excited or anything after the movie. (or because there were someone being annoying behind us, talk about this later.) I don't think it is a bad movie. it is just there is nothing special or memorable about it. maybe it is just me, crime movies are one of my favor ones.

it is a remake of classic. so it is classic. =)

back to those people sat behind us.
i never get to see them exactly. i think they are my age, or maybe younger? that doesn't matter. yet, my girlfriend, who is a gentle and cute girl. she was pissed enough to stand up and yell at them. that was how bad it is.
people... it is movie theater. learn to respect others time and the movie! so others would respect you at the same time.

i thought i am good at time management. i am pretty much on time for everything and have a good planning. however, when i have to accommodate with other people schedule. it is never perfect.

i really need to find a way to figure this out.
i like to control the time instead time controls me. >_<

La proposition

La proposition
English named: The proposal

It is a comedy and romance movie.
honestly, it is a good movie if you just want a laugh. it is relaxing and enjoyable.
other than that, there is nothing special about it. the plot is old, the trick is old. but then, as long as it works, who cares if it's old and repetitive. we laugh along almost the entire movie. (of course, you have to get the jokes.)

I think the actors did a good job. the facial expressions are appealing and funny. Both the leading role and the supporting role played well. the filing technique is not amazing, but acceptable.

after a stressful week, laugh it off.


i am the only child, my parents expect a lot from me.
thus, i grow up with a lot of expectations. usually, it is others hope i could achieve something or get something. i never have that kind of expectation on others.
yes, i always expect something from others. but it is different. i expect those from people because i know they will be able to meet my expectation.

this time.. almost the first time in my life.
it is uncertain. i truly hope they can achieve something they want, something i may never complete myself. this time, i don't put expectation on someone else. hope they do good.


wow.. this blog took me two days to complete.
i guess i really don't have much to say.

recently, the high school topic in HK is popular. since everyone is commenting about it, i am gonna join it as well.

both parties made their voices. the government has its point regard to students. it is correct that, whoever made mistakes deserve an opportunity to make up for it. from resident's perspective, it is reasonable for them to maintain the current satisfactory living environment. if bothe parties put themselves in the other's shoes, maybe they can settle the problem in a more peaceful way.

i do think the students deserve the forgiveness and opportunity. but then, moving the school is not the only solution.
residents chose their living location for a reason. what would you feel if your community is under an uncertain situation? however, parents should know that teaching kids from the principle is the key, not the environment.

the government is going to have the say eventually.
someone is not going to be happy at the end.
sometimes, people should calm down a bit?


2 、任何时候,不要为一个负心的男人伤心,女子更要懂得,伤心,最终伤的是自己的心。如果那个男人是无情的,你更是伤不到他的心,所以 ,收拾悲伤,好好生活。




6、每天打扮的优雅从容 出门,给自己带上不同的笑容。





11 、不要贪慕虚荣。虚荣是一剂毒药,而且会上瘾。


13、要有几个死党,独自一人的时候,保证还能有死党为你端茶送水。而不是声竭力嘶的嚎叫为什么说爱你的那 个人不能来陪你。

14 、睁开双眼选择你的未来伴侣,如果选错了,立即分开。不要凑合过日,那样会害了两个人。






20 、一次只爱一个人。

21 、知道自己要什么,包括你爱的男人。



24、认真的对待你的工作。工作也许不如爱情来的让你心跳,但至少能保证你有饭吃,有房子住,而不确定的爱情给不了这些,所以,认真努力 的工作。


26 、学会化精致淡雅的妆容。懂得出现在什么场合着什么服装



29、情人节或者生日没有人送花也无所谓,不必自己去买一束让花店送来。你可以将买花 的钱买精美的礼物,送给妈妈和爸爸。

30、记住你喜欢的人的生日,包括你的家人,当然,还有 自己。





35、没有时间和精力的话,不要乱表爱心养小动物,怠慢它们同样是种残忍,虽然我理解 你很寂寞需要一个伴。


37 、偶尔自己唱歌给自己听,好坏不重要,心情爽朗就可以。


39 、如果发短信息给你喜欢的人,他不回。不要再发。




43 、万一不小心喝醉了酒,不要打电话给任何人,包括死党和他。







50、有固定的消遣场所,比如固定的咖啡馆、书店。让那个地方的服务生认识你,这样, 你会在孤单时有个温暖的去处。




54 、如果一个男人对你说他喜欢你,相信他。如果他说不再爱你,也相信他。任何时候,要告诉自己,一个不爱你的人离开,是幸运。

55 、任何情况下,背后不说他人是非。如果一定要你说,说好话。





60 、不必为某个人选择销毁ID或者失踪。爱和不爱都将继续生活,结束就好好结束,何必苦了自己?



63、有空时给自己点一袭喜欢的香薰,让香味充盈房间。 愉悦。

64 、想吃就吃。为了保持身材让自己饿着,那是世界上最愚蠢的美丽








72 、常常去运动。做个安静的林妹妹固然很好,但是身体健康更重要。








80 、如果要去逛街,记得穿舒适的鞋子。善待自己是表现在细节上的。



83、隔期清理居室和身心。多余的物品送给有需要的人,心里的不痛快记得及时清除。别 让生活的忙碌和郁闷消磨了美丽容颜。



86、对于不想交往的人,不要应邀去吃饭喝咖啡,哪怕只是一块钱。没有后续发展和希望的交往,会浪费人家的钱和感情,这叫贪图享乐。贪慕虚荣的女子会让人瞧不起。如果实在碍于朋友介绍的情 面挪不开,记得AA 制。






92 、如果没有人陪,学着一个人听音乐看书写文字。这是个好习惯。

93 、口腔不要有异味。随身携带口气清新剂和补妆的物件。不要真的以为素面 朝天是一种美。香口胶吃过后要用纸包起来丢弃垃圾桶。明白随地吐痰是不文明行为,厉行禁止。

94、之前你放弃的人或者放弃你的人,深夜打电话给你,挂掉之后关机。如果他守在窗口,记得拉紧窗帘。不是你狠心,而是任何经历伤痛之 后的分手都会有裂痕,修补得再好也无法还原。不如就让它过去。



97 、对你不情愿做的事情大声说不。比如酒席上,轮到你喝酒,而你不善,大可以茶代酒 ,而非含恨饮醉。

98、不管和谁有了矛盾和别扭,解决的时间不要超过 24小时。否则麻烦会更多。在可以接受的范围内,先道歉。让自己做做坏人不是件真的坏事。


100、做个睿智的女子。学会从容面对生活。积极面对生活 ,生活定会如你所愿,如同明早,太阳依旧会如时升起.

(source from some forum)

it is very easy to list them all.
how many of above could you actually complete? and do it well?
if i can do 90% of them correctly, I am happy.



heh, all those names of companies, number on financial statements... appear in my dreams. (weird >.<)
some are even nightmares, which woke me up in the middle of nights.












Albert Einstein said...
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Angel and Demon

The movie Angel and Demon is quite popular these days. The book is written by the same author of Da Vinci Code. I think most people heard or know something about it.

For all the movies I watched in these couple months, I think the ending of this movie is pretty good. At least, it is reasonable and acceptable by the general public (or just me). The entire plot is predictable. I am sure the filming/sound technique is pretty good. Yet, since the story is predictable, it reduce the interest/excitement of some audience.

There is some moment in the movie increase the "funness" of the movie. They are mostly due the the calm characteristic of the main character. An outstanding characteristic contributes to the story a lot.

i used to like fiction a lot. but then, fiction is fiction. cannot compare it to reality. there is some element in it that you want it to be true but it will never be.


saying Investment... what would be your first option?
GIC? T-Bill? Stock? Bonds? ...
as advertised, i think education is the best investment.
i never realize its worthness until ealier.

a friend used to say that... everyone has a price.
i disagreed.
i thought a person is priceless. there is a price for his work, but not himself as a person.

now, think about it in another way, maybe he was correct.
a person does have a price. they hire you to work. it is the price of you.
all the knowledge, experience, inspiration you have, they are apart of you.
the price you get paid is how much you worth.
maybe it sounds bad, but somehow it is true. it is the truth that we don't want to agree with.

no one would want you for no reason.
there must something in you that someone wants.
if you have more, people would want you more.

therefore, if you put money into some product that you hope to the value would increase.
why not invest in yourself, increase the value of yourself?


I am sure this date mean a lot to many people.
Unfortunately, I never get to study this date too much.
I always think political issues are complicated and argumentative.
It is difficult to determine which party is right or wrong.
Nonetheless, history would give an answer eventually (or not).

Whoever/whatever made contribution, you marked the history.
at least, you are all remembered.


the heated HK TV episode ended last week.
I still remember the phrase, "how many decades in a person's life?"
I don't expect too many of decades in my life.
in this month of june, I am officially entering my 3rd one.
I havn't done anything meaningful yet. hopefully, something memorable would happen in this 3rd one.

not everyone's life path is smooth.
some people would take a longer time to be what they want, or they would never be.
yet, maybe there is destiny, or fate.
do what you can to be what you want then.



after wisdom teeth extraction

Third molar teeth (commonly referred to as wisdom teeth) consist of the mandibular and maxillary third molars; they usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. They are called wisdom teeth because usually they come in when a person is between age 17 and 25 or older—old enough to have supposedly gained some wisdom.

Wisdom teeth are commonly extracted when they affect other teeth—this impaction is colloquially known as "coming in sideways."Most adults have four wisdom teeth, but it is possible to have more or fewer. Absence of one or more wisdom teeth is an example of hypodontia. Any extra teeth are referred to as supernumerary teeth.

(source from

I think the wekipedia defined wisdom teeth pretty well.
I just did mine yesterday. Before the extraction, my parents are so nervous. They worry about if it would hurt too much, can't eat after..etc. Actually, it is not too bad. I just fell asleep for two hours, everything was done after I woke up. I haven't feel any pain ever since. Yet, my face is swelling, which mean I can't go out.
Resting at home is pretty good. Need to get some studying done. I said I will pick up piano again and I started it, finally. I always thought I would like to 9am-5pm stable working schedule. However, once I actually doing it. I don't think I enjoy is that much. It is stable, the boss and working environment is good. Nevertheless, I didn't like it as much as I thought. Maybe I still like to free working schedule better, maybe I like to travel all over the place better.

another thing.


  • 人工高,福利好
  • 開通
  • 信任你,給你机會
  • 對員工態度佳
  • 對同事一視同仁不擺架子

我自小開始打工,碰過很多不同的老板。當然,有些大公司,真正的大老板是見不到的。不是種族歧視,自己也是中國人說中國話。但經履告訴我,一般唐人老板通 常是比較苛刻些。他們會想用盡你的勞力,反正錢也付了,對公司物質資源也看重些。相對來說,外國人老板會體諒員工多些,對員工也大方些。他們很少會不跟足 勞工法律。




這個朋友對我來說算是難得 (要知道,我們真正相處的時間只有短短的一年)

  1. 他從未忘記我的生日
  2. 來加後算是立刻找我
  3. 每次來多市都會找我見面
  4. 我每次回去,他再忙也會與我見面
  5. 每逢節日都會送來問後
  6. 我需要幫忙時,從不拒絕





(source from


I actually know some people believe in long living. Chinese believe in that in general. Yet, I never want to live long. When I was in elementry school, I only want to live to 40years old. (heh) Now, it could be longer, maybe 60? Funny thing, I did a test online another date. The result tells I am going to live to 93years old. haha, that sounds very scary to me.

Humans are civilizing, and living longer and longer. In my opinion, the length of life doesn't matter. The quality of life matters. I always believe quality is more important than quantity.

If you choose to live long, you better enjoy your life time the most.

Victoria Day long weekend trip III

Day 3 (New York City --> Philadelphia --> Washington D.C--> Balimore)

Philadelphia is meaningful in the history of the Unite States. That was where they started independence. I saw lots of kids go to the independence center for education, which help them to knowledge about the national history and pride. The liberty bell doesn't seem special, but it is a symbol.

The U.S is strong for a good reason. The Americans are actually pretty smart, ever since more than 100 years ago. I don't mean that Chinese are not, but they didn't manage to maintain the good stuff well. The cities are clean and well organized. Washington D.C's city planning is great. The placement of the white house and Thomas Jefferson's Monument is pretty cool. They formed a line, meaning that Jefferson is watching current President.

There is one great thing in Washington I like the best. All the museums are FREE!!! That is amazing. The government is so generous. I wish I can spend a couple months there and just check out all the museums in every detail.

Balimore is a small town near Washington. Even 8pm in downtown, you can barely see people walking. It used to be a town with high criminal rates and bad reputation. However, after re-planning, this town became neat and peaceful. Once again, it is proved that Americans are good at that.

Day 4 (Balimore --> Penn Cave --> Toronto)

Penn Cave is just a regular cave that can be easily found in China. It becomes special in North America because you see must of those here. Compare to China, North America can barely see all those mountains. I have been to Guiling, Penn Cave is nothing compare to that.

*yes.. i end this roughly, because i really need to finish my work now.

Victoria Day long weekend trip II

Day 2 (Boston --> New York City)

Boston is very close to New York City. We only spend about 3 hours on the bus. I have been thinking to work in NYC for a while. After walking down the wall street, seem like my goal is more firmed. To be honest, even though I am a Chinese I should be more fit into the HK culture. Nevertheless, I would rather stay in NYC more than HK. Maybe because I like the diversity better there.

Hah, I don't think I could even been the girls in gossip girl, because I am not fortunate to born that way. Living on the 5th ave. accross central park seems like a dream too. If I do live in NY one day, I won't let myself live in Brooklyn. I would rather live in New Jersey. Maybe I am aiming too high. Yet, I have been taught that... aim higher, so even you didn't reach your goal, it won't be too bad.

One dissappointment.. I didn't get to shop in Time Square longer due to the time concern. The shopping style is mostly very similar across North America. (not sure about Mexico though, never been there) I used to like to HK / China style better. Not that I don't like it now, but I see the good side of the N.A style now. They have a better city planning after all.

After a couple days out of internet, feels like away from the world. The swine flu news are still everywhere. I don't think people take that serious anymore. People all freak out in the very beginning because the prior SARS experience. Actually most of the people live normally, both in the states and Canada. The death rate is low, so there isn't that much to worry about.
There is many tasks to catch up after missing a day of work. Surprisingly, I finish them early. Hopefully the quality is good. Maybe the new crystal would help. =P (it is all psychology.) Good, lakers is leading. =D

*(just because i lable journal, i feel like type some updates.)

Victoria Day long weekend trip

Victoria day is a Canadian holiday, which celebrating Queen victoria's holiday. It is an informal mark of summer coming. For all these years in Toronto, I always do something for fun... BBQ with friends during high school, family trip for recent years. We use to play fireworks, and I realize that the Canadian fireworks can never compare to HK ones, so we decide to skip that. Last year, I went to Mont Tremblant. This year we went further to the states.

Four days trip to the states is very tight, but then I saw a lot. It is tiring, but it is worth it. 本想用中文寫的,但那至少要一個小時。明天還要上班,還是不要浪費時間了。這次的行程已經夠累的了。

Day 1 (Toronto -> Boston)
That was a long ride. Ten hours on the bus is not very fun. However, the ten hours became worth it once it got to Harvard University. The town Cambridge is small but very neat. Maybe partially because it is spring time, everything seems refresh. The streets are very tiny, just as HK and NY. Yet, they are all well organized. The Harvard campus is not huge. Compare to Western, it could be even smaller. I actually like the architecture of Western better. Nevertheless, if I could, I still hope I study in Harvard instead. =P Undergrad is too late now, therefore MBA is the next goal. (how come that sounds like an unrealistic dream? ><)

Quincy Market in Boston is pretty nice. I don't think it is that special to me because I am from Asia. North America does not get much of that kinds of market. Clothing there doesn't need to pay sales taxes, which is very rare and beneficial to us. There is a street of food, very diverse. Heh, that is the U.S culture, diversity. to be continued.... (yes, many pictures are taken. but they are still sitting in my camera.)

almost a week

as i said, time goes by very fast, first week of work is almost done.
i am doing half admin and half accounting work. admin is nothing special. accounting is a lot to learn there. that's the whole purpose i work in an accounting firm. it feels good when you are absorbing. heh, now i finally understand that textbook knowledge is very important too. they are all put in use in reality. the key for my position is.. multi-tasking. i need to handle a couple of task at the same time. no worries, i will ace it soon. =P

beginners always have more passion to work. i still attend early and off late for now. hehe, don't know how long i can keep up with that.

N.A flu

going to NY this weekend... that sounds pretty brave to other people. i am sure none of my co-workers would want that. no worries, if i am sick, i stay at home as always.

told a friend that... he was telling me how to be careful and prevent it. i guess it is necessary. heh i don't even care if i catch it. as long as i don't pass to other people, i am fine with it. but um.. can't be that selfish, ignore others' concern, will try best.

however.. if it comes, it comes.... can't avoid it.



i can't take the pain of losing parents away
but i still want you to know you are loved


"fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us"... eventually

an interesting quote...
"Every morning I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work." by Robert Orben, 20th century humorist, writer and editor.

actually, only that small amount of people will go on that list. however, it is a good motivation. i decided to do something too... 1. make a money plan 2. make a list of fun things to do 3. follow the money plan and do one thing on the fun things to do plan. i know that it sounds like a kid very much. but i guess it works

after a whole week of doing nothing, it is time.







結論是... 是你的,終歸是你的。不是你的,哪怕是搶得回來心裡也不踏實。



i am not sure if you are familiar with volunteering, but i am. counting fingers, i have been volunteer for almost 10 years. (yes, that sounds very old.) i don't count hours anymore. in the very beginning, i do it because school is required. after the requirement is met, i volunteer for upgrading my resume. then i do it for experience. now, i actually do it because i want to help people. this whole progress takes 10 years. i can't say i am not selfish.

M.P office, organizational events, charities, community centers, schools, TV channels... i don't think i play an important role in any of my volunteering. however, i believe all the small things count. you will feel good after you help people. you will feel good when people thank you.

when you complaint how difficult your life is, ask yourself, compare to what. when you complaint how much you are suffering, find an opportunity to help others. you would realize how much you have.




home time

what is your definition of home?
an immigrant like me took a while to find my own standard. for me, home is wherever my parents are. when they come to pick me up, i smell "home". it doesn't matter how much arguments you have, doesn't matter how much mistake. home is where would accept you and forgive you in anyway. it is the only place.

knowing that so many people might be good with the people outside, but always have argument with families. it is understandable that being impolite to your family, because you take them as granted. however, you know that they are the only ones love you no matter what.

spend more time with you family if you could. don't let yourself regret after.

way to be strong

quoting from a friend.."most of people are not strong."
i always think i am weak. hehe, maybe because i am the "Y generation", didn't get to experience a lot. however, i disagree with the Y-generation's attitude towards job indicated in the show. Maybe some of the people would have that, but not everyone. This is the reason why i think the TV shows are somehow biased. Maybe it is for their sponsors, or the government. Media industry is a form of business after all.

a research finds that an average person only use 2-3% of the brain. i am thinking, if a person works harder, thinks more or have a stronger mind. everyone has the potential to succeed and have a better quality of living. all the motivation/wisdom quotes tell people to be strong, but never tells you how. i hope i would be able to find my way to be strong, so as everyone else.

富人 窮人


back to school

i am back to this place again.
two more weeks to go, hopefully it would go well.

supposelly, it should be the busiest and toughest time of the year. however, i don't feel stress at all. maybe it is because of the weather or maybe because it is almost to the end. usually, we are more motivated when things just started.

i m actually at work now, but i am typing blog. there is a reason that i don't like to be an admin. because it is repetitive and boring. not much critical thinking is needed. i know some people don't mind. i am sure a good admin has to be skilled as well, but i don't belong to this field.

i used to be satisfied easily. i was happy with what i got and what i do. since when, i became so greedy?




Blogging for whom

i just read a blog that i follow along.
overall, i think she is a good. i do not have a definition of a good writer because i don't think i am qualified to judge someone. i am not good at writing, neither english or chinese. a person like me, in the middle of two cultures, two complete different languages. i couldn't ace both, this is my weakness.

back to this blog writer's post, i am not really commenting her, just wanna express some of my thoughts.
this is what happened...
- the blog writer wrote a post about one of her friend.
- an anonymous left a comment, claim that the writer didn't protect the friend's privacy.
- the blog writer wrote a new post to clarify that she didn't expose her friend's privacy for publicity.

what i think is that...
i somehow agree with her. if a blog is popular, of course the blog writer is happy.
however, just like the advertising said, blogger - express yourself online. at least that was my initial purpose. just like i said in the intro post, i never expect anyone to read my blog, but i guess this is one of my memories.
if others don't know, they shouldn't comment or judge randomly. sometimes, words help people, also hurt people.



看了一篇文章你是人才还是人力 ,剛好應證了我最近所想的。



Easter Sunday

Today is Easter Sunday.
I guess it is a holiday for most of the people. It would be meaningful for the religious ones as well. However, it is not anything special to me. I am not christian or anything. Today is just like another regular to me. Ever since then, I never think any date is special anymore. Holidays, anniversaries, birthdays... they are all like a regular working to me. I think, holidays or any special dates are just an excuse for people to take a break. Maybe they are the dates you can rest together. Actually, you can rest on any dates you wish, as long as it fits your schedule. I don't like time to control me, instead I would like to control time, at least my time.

Easter... Jesus reborn...
is that true? is there really a god exist?
if god is exist, is miracle exist?
a friend is taking philosophy of religion, the god's exist is never been proved scientifically. i guess philosophy is just arguing something that never have an answer. just like... life.
maybe there is fate, maybe everything is arranged, maybe there is something call.."it never meant to be"

sometimes, i don't like all these religious holidays. because i am still questioning them. plus, i still have to work anyways. >0<