It is a comedy movie.
It is funny, but different kind of funny from The Proposal. You laugh at those specific scenes and jokes. Some people might not get it, but if you get it those jokes, it would be funny for you.
There are same scenes involved nudity to make you laugh. Personally, I don't like this kind of humor that much. um... it is funny and relaxing, but it is not educated enough (not sure how to describe it properly).
The acting is quite good. The characters are pretty obvious. I think that is the key of a movie/story. They show all those funny scenes naturally, which would be more acceptable for audience.
yea.. it's friday.
the movie theater is packed.
we were going to watch Public Enemies. but then tickets were sold out. it is not one of the best days for sure.
hopefully we will be able to catch it next week.
lol i wanted to watch that too, but same.. not quite into the nudity-on-the-screen humor either. So low~~~ haha maybe "civilized" is the word you're looking for?? ahha
Movie with me some time! (but this time we make sure there're no kids sitting one row behind us lol)
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