too bad i didn't finish the movie. =(
so i don't have a full picture of the movie.
the movie is cast by John Travolta and Denzel Washington. seems like the acting quality is secured. if you let me rate it, i won't rate it too high. because, i don't feel too excited or anything after the movie. (or because there were someone being annoying behind us, talk about this later.) I don't think it is a bad movie. it is just there is nothing special or memorable about it. maybe it is just me, crime movies are one of my favor ones.
it is a remake of classic. so it is classic. =)
back to those people sat behind us.
i never get to see them exactly. i think they are my age, or maybe younger? that doesn't matter. yet, my girlfriend, who is a gentle and cute girl. she was pissed enough to stand up and yell at them. that was how bad it is.
people... it is movie theater. learn to respect others time and the movie! so others would respect you at the same time.
i thought i am good at time management. i am pretty much on time for everything and have a good planning. however, when i have to accommodate with other people schedule. it is never perfect.
i really need to find a way to figure this out.
i like to control the time instead time controls me. >_<
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