no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it


it is civil holiday long weekend.

the highlight of this trip would be the Henry Ford Museum.
the museum is not huge as i thought, but large enough for us to spend a couple hours there.
there are a lot to see in the museum.
the 100 years of auto life is one of my favor parts. i am not a tech person, however, seeing the development of automobile is educational.
human's innovation is amazing.

visiting the city of detroit...
i was quite sure detroit had its good time.
seeing the city now is such a disappointment. not mentioning how quite the town is, everything is lack of maintenance there.
no one is walking on the street, limited cars are driving on the street. stores are mostly closed. most constructions are paused.
described by another person.... "it looks like a death town right after war."
the effect is obvious in this town with the economic depression and the downturn of auto industry in US.


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