Today is Easter Sunday.
I guess it is a holiday for most of the people. It would be meaningful for the religious ones as well. However, it is not anything special to me. I am not christian or anything. Today is just like another regular to me. Ever since then, I never think any date is special anymore. Holidays, anniversaries, birthdays... they are all like a regular working to me. I think, holidays or any special dates are just an excuse for people to take a break. Maybe they are the dates you can rest together. Actually, you can rest on any dates you wish, as long as it fits your schedule. I don't like time to control me, instead I would like to control time, at least my time.
Easter... Jesus reborn...
is that true? is there really a god exist?
if god is exist, is miracle exist?
a friend is taking philosophy of religion, the god's exist is never been proved scientifically. i guess philosophy is just arguing something that never have an answer. just like... life.
maybe there is fate, maybe everything is arranged, maybe there is something call.."it never meant to be"
sometimes, i don't like all these religious holidays. because i am still questioning them. plus, i still have to work anyways. >0<
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