no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it


yes.. i spent more than 11 hours in office today.
and.. i actually worked the whole 11hours.

this overtime work is not required. i took the initiative.
i know 11 hours doesn't sound a lot to many people, especially for the people who are used to OT in HK. but then this does not always happen in Toronto.

i should go back to my point.
it is worth it. for all the time and effort i devote, it is worth it.
it is not the first i write a report or do a project. yet, it is different when you actually do it for a client.
every single detail has a lot to learn and needs attention.
i am glad that i got this opportunity.

there is always something that you thought you know, but you don't.
you may never get to a perfect position, because anything can always be more amended.


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