no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

I don't look like an accountant

Yesterday, Toronto got a such nice weather out. I went to a BBQ after working on my assignment. I met a couple new friends there. It was very nice meeting and talking with them. They are all older than me and I got quite a bit from talking to them.

There is a friend in the group said something about me and that stuck in my head for more than 24hours. He said that I don't look like an accountant...
He said...
Accountant should be more serious and not supposed to be fun. I smile and laugh too much. He can picture me that I would be similing on the working papers and numbers.

Heh.. seriously, I don't think I smile or laugh when I am working. Everyone is serious in the office, in the working environment. However, I don't think anyone should be serious at all time does not matter what profession you are in. You focus and be serious at work, you laugh and have fun when you are off. I don't see anything wrong with that.

In these few years, I tried so hard to give a happy and smiling image to people. Life is already hard, there is no point to show a sad face all the time. I rather keep it myself. Plus, who cares if I am sad, it only means I have a low EQ and not strong enough.

PS. I saw this friend taking pictures of his daily life everyday for memory. I actually think it is a pretty cool thing to do. Even though my life is not that interesting, however it is still my memory.


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