no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

healthy routine

It has been almost three months since I completely move back to Toronto, more than two months since I started going to gym.
I still remember the first time I did the assessment. The trainer said that I didn't have any upper body strength and a lot of body fat. (haha >.<) I did another assessment yesterday, I guess I improved a bit. At least my body fat percentage is in a very good range now. Also, my heart and lung function improved. My conclusion is, exercise actually helps to maintain your health. In London, I get sick every two weeks. Maybe staying home is one of the reason. However, being stressful and tiring like this, I have not really get sick yet. I am actually proud of myself.

The following is a healthy routine suggested by the trainer.
- have breakfast everyday
- 8 glass of water everday
- have dairy everyday
- 5 serve of vegetable and fruit everyday
- at least three times exercise every week (1hr per time)
- stretch before and after you exercise


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