today is a busy day. school, work, info session...as usual. realizing my life is pretty repetivie and boring. i think a lot of people are like me, at least the people around me. i know that, a blog is worth to read, to follow because it is interesting, it is unique. people like to read about other's unique experience because they didn't get to have it. i am sure my life is not even a quater interesting as theirs, however i am working on the way i chose.
there are some people in this world write stories, and some people read stories. so far.. i have been reading stories, but i want to write my own stories later on. compare to those dramatic lives, i am pretty consistent and smooth. there are something i experience, i thought it is tough, it is difficult. nevertheless, it is not at all. i like this quote.."when you think your life is difficult, ask yourself, compare to what." i am lucky, i have my parents to give me the best and provides the easiest way as possible to let me walk though. i understand parents won't be there and help me forever. in fact, everyone comes to this world by himself and will leave the world alone eventually. we should learn to be independent and create out own path of life.
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