I went to Job shadowing at Electro-Motive Canada yesterday. Electro-Motive is a company that build locomotives. It belongs to GM originally, GM sold it in 2005. GE is the biggest competitor of Electro-Motive. It is the first time I have been into a manufatuer company. It is very interesting to see all those parts that builds locomotive. When I was visitng the plant, seeing those labours, I have a lot of thoughts.
As a Chinese, from what I have been educated, I work towards all the professional positions. I have never thought about the blue collar work. However, all the skills and techiniques they have is actually very professional.
Also, they are experience the lay off period. All the news and articles indicate the recession of the auto industry. Nevertheless, when I actually see the reality in person, it is still sad.
About the job shadowing, it is pretty good. It is good to know all those positions and what people do. Some seems boring, some seems challenging... maybe accounting is not my final destination.
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