being an accountant is my goal and i have been working on it.
it is not that i don't understand there is always hardship need to be overcome. there is no goal can be achieved easily. in order to achieve what i want, i always need to work hard towards to it. some people are made to do something. however for me, i need to work extra hard to get what i want, as always.
a friend asked a question.. "do you really like accounting, or you just don't know what else to do." i notice that i don't really consider what i like to do. accounting seems stable and something that i can handle, so i chose this path. i work extra hard because i know that i have to. i cannot get what i want the most, so i have to choose my second priority.
the whole industry is doing bad now. from the blogs i read, accounting is not doing much better than the others. the CPAs in HK doesn't worth as much now. it is not like i want to change my path now, but just feel frustrated sometime.
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