no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

Cleveland Trip I

This is pretty much a last minute decision trip. We debate quite a bit before we actually decide to book a hotel and go to a trip. Again, it is Victoria Day long weekend, we usually go for a short road trip to take a break.

Day One

We didn't leave until the afternoon on Saturday. Going on a road trip need some preparation, maps, hotel booking and so on. However, I actually like to do such stuff, I like to feeling of adventuring. Going to Cleveland from Toronto takes about 5.5 hours. It took longer than it should be for us. First of all, there was a traffic in the way to the board, then there was a very long line up to board. It took us 8 hours to get to the hotel.

It is not the first time we realized it. The road transportation in US is pretty mature. Compare to Canada, the road in US is so much smoother and cleaner, especially when you compare to hwy 401. hwy 401 is seriously lack of maintenance. Sometime I think privatization of these roads is a good thing to try in Canada. At least it motivates the company to maintain the roads.


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