no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

here comes to the end

Two weeks of 2010 Winter Olympic comes to the end today.
There were happiness and tears, success and failures. However all the athletes contributed to the memories.

Canada men's hockey won the last gold medal in this Olympic.
It was a good game. US and Canada played to the overtime. US scored in the last 30 seconds in the normal time and push the game to overtime. Sidney Crosby scored first in the overtime and marks the final success of the Canadian team.
We all cheered, after-all it is Canada's sport. =)
Congradzz Canada!

Cameras film the lost team too, I felt bad for them. The game came so close.
Nevertheless, every match would have a winner and loser. I would rather Canada win in this game.
I believe it is a happy ending for Canada in this Vancouver Olympic.

Chile earthquake

Please check out the above website to donate in World Vision. 
It is going to provide emergency supplies and food to Chile.   

I didn't promote World Vision before. 
This time, since they react so much faster than the China one and the Haiti one. I think it is worthwhile to promote them. After all, it is charity. 
KPMG audit them every year, proved that at least 75% goes to the locals. I guess they are pretty trustworthy at how they spend the money.



have you seen the movie butterfly effect?
yes, going back to the past, change a little detail would change the final result.
however, the final result is not necessary to be better, but only get worse.




Hockey should sound familiar to the North Americans.
We have NHL every year, and I would say it is a national sport of Canada.
Kids start skating and play hockey since they are young. Not only ice hockey, field hockey is also popular. It is very common to see kids wear roller skates and play hockey in neighborhoods.

I wasn't that interested in hockey before, because I thought it is pretty violent. Athletes seems hitting each other a lot.
I guess it is peer pressure, now that everyone cheers for Canada in Winter Olympics, I started watch it too. Actually, it is pretty interesting.
Hockey has three period, 20min each. The pace is faster than basketball and soccer. There are not many penalties as basketball. Personally, I think it takes more skill than other sports. Because you need to ace skating and playing at the same time. (I think skating is so much harder than running 0_o)

I watched the men's preliminary round this week. They were all pretty exciting games. Of course I cheered for Canada. =)
Canada is playing semi-final against Slovakia on Friday.  & US is playing to Finland.




Winter Olympic

2010 Winter Olympic is half way done.
Vancouver is hosting this event this time.

Technically, I should be proud of Canada since it is hosting such large worldwide event.
However, I really think they didn't do so well on it.
For the previous week, there is some kind of negative news everyday. A lot of stuff and details are not carefully considered and organized.

Maybe it is too free in Canada. People may have of all kinds of opinions and freedom.
It would be more difficult to control and keep everything in order.
I guess, more restrictions are good at times.


i don't think it is necessary to discuss how important networking is.
it is known that networking is important to basically everyone's life. it doesn't matter if it's about personal or career or business. networking is one of the keys to success.

people make mistakes in their life. when mistakes are made, of course the best way is to fix it. if not, start over, learn the lesson and don't fall at the same location again.
i believe same theory applies to networking too. you can't be friends with everyone in your life, you can't make everyone likes you. in interpersonal relationship, you make mistakes easily. however, it is more important to learn from mistakes. even though, most of the time it would be too late.

networking is important. however, treating others with heart is even more important.
i agree we all build connections with purpose. yet, a warm heart should be contributed even there is a purpose. it is not ethical to just use and dump.



一、人生最大的敵人是自己   二、人生最大的失敗是自大 

三、人生最大的欺騙是無智   四、人生最大的悲哀是嫉妒

五、人生最大的錯誤是自棄   六、人生最大的罪過是自欺

七、人生最大的可憐是自卑   八、人生最大的佩服是精進

九、人生最大的破產是絕望   十、人生最大的財富是健康

十一、人生最大的債務是人情 十二、人生最大的禮物是寬恕

十三、人生最大的缺欠是悲智 十四、人生最大的欣慰是布施


一.心地不良,風水無益。 二.不孝父母,拜神無益。

三.兄弟不合,交友無益。 四.行為不正,讀書無益。

五.心高驕傲,博學無益。 六.奸巧胡為,聰明無益。

七.不學慈悲,持齋無益。 八.不持齋戒,誦經無益。

九.不惜元氣,服藥無益。 十.貪財不義,佈施無益。

十一.邪淫好色,陰犢無益。 十二.不積陰德,妄求無益。


今年很碰巧是reading week,我們放假。
也碰巧是family day long weekend, 還剛好是情人節。


還有,希望真的會有happy ending。



It is a letter from a father to a son.
The above nine points are actually very true.
I wish I would know and understand them better and earlier in my life.  
Hope it is not too late, for all of us. 


out of control

when i have time to sleep, i can't fall alseep
when i don't have time to sleep, i am dead tired and sleepy

when i am behind of work schedule, i am lost
when i am caught up with work schedule, i am still lost

when i care, i get dissspoint
when i try not to care, i get recalls

everything is out of control.

there is no miracle or luck.
at least they will never lay on me.
whatever i want, i need to work ten times harder to get it, or very likely still won't get it.



不難做,才用了不夠兩個小時,味道也挺不錯。(至少他們有贊好 =])








Uggs, an Australian brand boots, is famous for cozy and warm, with sheep skin materials.
actually, uggs is been popular for a couple year, more than five years.

I will be honest. I never like the style of uggs. it is plain, pretty much like a container. there is no beauty or any shoe style at all.

nothing should be judged by appearance. i agree with it. however, shoes are shoes, appearance is one of the selling points. of course, i agree with most of the comfy and practical shoes don't look good.

i am writing about uggs for a few reason.
1. Yes, I just got one, and it is the most classic one too. nothing fancy or pretty, just really practical. After all these years, I couldn't insist my initial opinion to the end. OR... maybe it is way too cold here, and i am getting too old handle it. >_< really need a pair of warm boots. I wore it today, even only with socking, I didn't feel cold at all. The first I don't mind taking extra steps outdoor. I guess I can understand why those girls will never want to take that off now. haha
2. uggs price is pretty high. I mean, it is not a high end product, but for typical consumers USD$200 a pair of boot is pretty expensive. (i know i spent so much more than that on boots every winter >.< i shouldn't say that.) However, this time, I bought it online. I only paid $100 inclusive. No worries, I got the product and wore it, it is a real one. In my opinion is that online stores do not need to pay for retail store expenses, they have room to price lower. Since there is no difference, I would suggest to buy stuff online. Of course, I agree the whole shopping experience would be different. No more fancy renovations to look at.
3. Since i couldn't hold my thought to the end. I want to at least think I made the correct decision about this change of mind. Other than the fact it is too popular and typical, I mean everyone has one here. I guess it is worth it. At least it keeps me warm and won't get sick.


  • 我的理想生活是,天天可以睡到自然醒,不做什麼,不負啥責任,同我愛的,以及愛我的人,一起坐著說話,笑著看日落。 (it would only occur if there is a miracle.)
  • 人們日常所犯最大的錯誤,是對陌生人太客氣,而對親密的人太苛刻,把這個壞習慣改過來,天下太平。(it is pretty true.)
  • 人生短短數十載,最要緊的是滿足自己,不是討好他人。(we all try to please others)
  • 真正有氣質的淑女,從不玄耀她所擁有的一切,她不告訴人她讀過什麼書,去過什麼地方,有多少件衣裳,買過什麼珠寶,因她沒有自卑感。(a good definition)
  • 聰明的女人,應該裝作什麼都不知道,很蠢的樣子。(hehe, i am pretty stupid already.)
  • 有什麼苦自己知罷了,做人總要受委屈的,人家又幫不了我,許多細節不須回答,猜也猜得到 (i learned that... )
  • 聰明人從不報復,他們匆匆離去,從頭開始。(not revenge is easy, start over is not)
  • 一個人的心原來是世界上最寂寞的地方,每個人都渴望被愛,如果沒有人主動愛人,則沒有人會被愛,困難已經過去,也就不必討論值得與否,努力面對現實是正經。(it is always easier to say than do.)



 其實是因為我喜歡那控制的感覺。發生的事,90% 我控制不了。難得還有一樣,且還不是完全受控的,因為還要考慮到路面狀況。