no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)

Work and life both have been busy recently. This is holiday season, we are all busy chilling out. However, there isn't many good movies out there. We picked Sherlock Holmes after all.

I still remember we watched Sherlock Holmes in 2009 around the holiday season. Same old, the movie is predictable, so that the story line is not that appealing. Of course, I see it differently from two years ago. The ability Holmes had is pretty impressive. This is definitely something I should learn. Maybe I will never get to that level, but reaching some of it will be good.

I realized that it is very important that you can pay attention to all the details (even the smallest ones) and able to summarize all given information and turn them into use. This skill is very critical for both work and life. It is worthwhile to train.

Happy Holidays everyone! =)


這是我第一此坐VIP席看演唱會。我自己當然不會付這樣的錢,是客人請的。第一次覺得辛苦是值得的,哈哈。 我們看的是GEM。這小妮子是真的能唱。總的來說,雖然沒有坐滿,但整個演唱會我還算滿意。 看的出來,他們在制作、服裝、燈光等等都花了心思。 除了歌聲值得一提的還有舞者,他們跳得真的很不錯。這兩個小時看得很滿足很愉快。 看著這女生很努力,沒有怯場也發揮得不錯,真有點佩服。 她很小就出道了,勇敢的走自己想走的路。 我是不夠勇敢。 事事都想退路不是完全不好,但有了退路就不會全力向前衝了。 其實不應該怕受傷怕跌倒,人得輸得起才會有真正嬴的那一天。 是時候重新出發了。



