no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it


公司來了新同事,是一個會跟我們聊天的男生,很高興。^_^ 不要誤會了,我高興並不是來了一位男生,即使是女生我也一樣高興。重要的是,他會和我們聊天。一個不悶,不會死氣沉沉的公作環境很重要。因為來了新同事,就不自覺的把兩個年齡相近的男同事作比較。雖然覺得有點不應該,但還是的做了。其實我們的新同事是一個平凡的男生,跟我那些男生朋友們沒什麼大不同。只是因為近一年來,公司的男生都很靜,所以來了個正常的反而不習慣了。人就是這樣,無論喜惡,最終也敵不過時間和習慣。

Last day of SOA prep

Today is last day of SOA prep. I can see people are starting to procrastinate. Let's just say a group of four of us. One was completely not coming, two left halfway of class, I stayed for the entire class. However, honestly I wasn't really listening for the last 45 minutes. >/< There are less people from class to class. There are more and more people leave early. I don't think it is because all of us think we are smart and don't need to listen. It is just there is still some time until the SOA. The stress have not hit yet, so we are still slacking off. That is just human, we won't work until stress and deadline hits. Who says stress is not a good thing? =P

Nevertheless, last day of class also tells the fact that I should really start my own studying schedule. I was planning the calendar. I only have literally 100 days left to my SOA exam. Besides that one month training in June, I have only two months to study and one of them are during tax season. Technically, we don't really have much time left. Hopefully I would be able to stick with my study plan this time.

PS. praying for Japan, praying for Tokyo. There are many ways to donate and help out. Please help out!


一早知道很多事不能強求,只能順其自然,但到了某個點就覺得應該相信自己,應該都力。雖然不信邪,但卻不能不認命。有些東西不屬於你就是不屬於你。付了錢,下了訂,簽了字都會被人搶走。付了錢,貨到手,最後還要退還。暫不說金錢,我是真的花了心思和時間。不是說錢不重要,但的確,有錢也有買不到deal. (當然,如果我真的很有錢,完全不用計算成本又不同。)



星期五一早起來,習慣性上twitter看新聞,就看到日本地震的消息。看手机是,電視是,收音機是,網頁都是。比起兩天前的雲南地震,我要看中文報紙才知道,我開始還以為傳媒偏心。 但是留意多了,發覺地震+海嘯+核洩漏真是很慘。坦白說,我很佩服日本的國民教育,即使如此大的災難在前,他們都很鎮定堅強。水和食物是免廢派發的,沒有人坐地起價,沒有人發災難財。所有酒店和學校都開放讓受難者避難,黑幫的事物所也不例外,真是很團結。最可貴的,他們仍然很有抶序,沒有呼天搶地,也沒有趁火打劫。不可否認,他們真的很團結。


大家都是人,雖然文化背景不同, 但每個人都擁有努力過幸福生活的權力。如果天災是不能避免,就用人力去保護自己,幫助同纇。知道嗎,當人很沮喪的時候,那怕是一句最簡單的問候,都可能會挽救一條生命。





Ridiculous service

I personally believe that trust plays a big part of a business relationship. If I put down deposit, personal information to reserve for certain product, I make a reasonable assumption that the vendor should reserve/hold the product for me until I make the rest of payment and sign the official contract.

It is true that there is an akward period between negotiation and contract signed. However, the relationship between business partners should be built base on trust, especially when some physical guarantee is given. I found this is ridiculous to sell what I reserve to someone else without notifying me at all. I don't care if it is a mistake or other reasons. I am not satisfy with this kind of service. This kind of mess only ruins the business reputation and relationship. No more business ever again...

Tax season kick off

Here it comes.. tax season.
This is the peak season for public accountants. Personal tax filing is due on the 30th of April every year in Canada. Individuals should receive their personal tax receipts by the end of March. I realize some other accounting firms start OT since Jan/Feb. Our firm starts this week. This means.. 12hr working shift started and Saturday becomes a workday...

This is my first official tax season, working full time. I am worried. Efficiency counts every minute, there will be a lot of stress. I am going to cross my finger from now on. It is more than a tax season for me because my study timeline hits me as well. Counting down 3 months left to SOA, I really should study my technical material. PASS is all it matters...