no regrets

if today is the only day you get, how would you like to spend it


考到會計師牌,有資格簽那份audit report几乎變成了我近兩年來的人生目標。坦白說,我不是聰明人,所以需要比別人更加努力。從讀course,拿夠分,到找到CA training office, 到考試,到儲practice hours,我真希望我能夠一切順利。正因為考這牌很費勁,我也很久沒有靜下來想過,如果考到後我還要做什麼?










今時今日,我可以跟人说我是從廣州來的。因為有了廣州亚運 ,也因為今日的廣東省,廣州市比十年前强大了几倍。廣州不再是一個没有知名度的城市了,我也不需要用其他城市来做地标了。



Three things you should not wait

I read an article from another day. The article indicates three things you should not wait in your life, I believe it is kind of true.

1. Dream
       I guess most people would agree with this one. You should pursue your dream whever you can, shouldn't wait until it is too late. People tend to struggle with living on daily basis, forget what they want from the very beginning. We always wait because we thought we still have time. What if we don't?

2. Family
       We assume family would always be there for us, we always take so much from family. When we get something from other, we would give back. When we get something from family, we take it as granted. Maybe there is one day, family is not gonna be available for you anymore. When you realize, there if nothing left there.

3. Poverty
       I never really understand it. The article said if we wait, we get used to be poor so that we won't look for better life anymore. I am not sure about this one because I don't see how a person get used to being poor.

My logic is wrong




Study Week I

This is the first week off for studying. Once again, it proved that I really cannot study at home. Hope it is not too late to catch and I will be able to complete the work as I scheduled.
Seriously, after working for half a year, I need some time to adjust myself back to study mode. There is no Weldon/Taylor anymore. There is no university study environment influence me anymore. It is all about myself, all about self motive. I realized how much self control for the UT student now.


我没有看過蜗居,但爸媽在看我也就瞄两眼。刚好聽到一句台词: “男孩要穷养,女孩要富养。”爸说,有道理。想深一层我也赞同。穷人家的孩子早當家,贫穷會令人发奋,向上。穷养,會令孩子上進,而上進心對男生来说尤其重要。太舒服了,就不會努力了。不是说女生就不需要上進,但總的来说女生比较容易被小恩小惠所迷惑。如果从小得到物质和精神上的满足,就不容易被迷惑而走歪路了。


Thoughts from Yoga

Finally, it becomes a habbit. I go to yoga class every week now. My boss knows, my co-workers know, so that they won't keep me for work on that day.

The recent HK news about Sausantong closing their yoga place due to the less popularity of yoga in HK now days. Yoga used to be very popular in HK with all those yoga classes and stores. Now they are all closing down. I understand people follow trends and try different new stuff, especially Asians. I am not going to lie, Canadians are like elephants, very slow in everything. They are slowly reacted to fashion, technology... etc. However, from viewing it from another perpsective, they are more stable and less risky. They usually make decision for a long term goal, which results less waste in a way.

I did not try yoga until recently joined a gym membership. I actually think it is a good activity and worth my time to do it every week. If you want to get a good result from one thing you do, you have to put in time, effort and committment. I do not think I lost weight from doing yoga. (I don't think you are supposed to anyways.) However, I do feel my body is more flexible and relaxing after doing it. The muscles are not as tight as before. More importantly, it calms you down while you are doing it.

what's the most important thing

I personally think nothing is more important than health. Without health, does not matter how much more you have if your life, you will not be able to enjoy it. If you want a quality life, health should be your priority. Therefore, I believe employer should always put work health and safety in priority as well. I understand employers would like their employees to be productive, however it does not mean you should despite all other factors in the work environment.

When you feel sick, go see a doctor before it is too late, unless you decide not to treat it in the first place. Doctors are licensed for a reason. From every aspect I think they are more reliable than those unlicensed therapist. When you are still able to walk, go see the world before it is too late. You never know what would happen the next day for sure, why waste time on wait and see?